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Essentials Every Woman Should Have in her Purse

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.
Aside from carrying the perfect bag, us women also need to carry with us the necessities for our every day outings and adventures. We should always be dressed to impress and our purses must be prepared to encounter anything that life may throw at us. Here is a basic checklist for handbag essentials:

1. All About The Bag

The purses we choose to carry should make a statement! They should not only add and compliment our outifits, but they should also speak for our personalities and our character.

2. The Date Savior: Floss

There is NOTHING worse than having a piece of food stuck in your teeth that you cannot get out on your own. Having floss in your purse can really save you from that torture or embarrassment of having food stuck in your teeth on a dinner date.

3. Nail File

Breaking a nail in itself is just awful, but breaking it without a file to help even it out is even more annoying. 

4. Hand Sanitizer

Germs are everywhere!! And it’s important to always have something to kill them with, as well as keep you healthy. 

5. Remedy Medications

Whether it’s a wicked hangover or ungodly period cramps, having some sort of relief on hand is vital to curb the pain or discomfort, whatever it may be.

6. Compact Mirror

Having a compact mirror in your purse is quite convenient and necessary for those quick “food in teeth” checks, lipstick reapplications, and makeup/hair fixes.

7. Pen

Having a pen in your purse is so handy when it comes to signing receipts, jotting down quick notes, or if, godforbid, the battery on your phone dies.

8. Lipgloss or Lipstick

It doesn’t matter which one you carry, as long as you have a lipgloss, lipstick, or both to make your pout more colorful and flirty. 

9. Oil-Absorbing Sheets

These are a life saver when it comes to having oily skin. Doing a quick blot job with these helps get rid of your skin’s oily appearance. 

10. Feminine Products

It’s always good to be prepared. Either you are going to need it or some other desperate lady is. 

11. Breath Mints

Don’t ever let yourself be known as the woman with terrible breath. Also, no one likes coffee breath.

12. Cash

Carrying a little bit of cash with you is a must. Twenty dollars is the perfect amount to have with you at all times.


There are of course, plenty more items you should carry with you, but these are definitely some of the essentials. Now go take this check list and evaluate the contents of your purse. 


Photo Credits: 

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International Studies student at American University.