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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Erich Doerr

Age: 19

Year at AU: Sophomore

Major: International Studies

Hometown: Easton, PA

Relationship status: In a relationship 

Dream job: Ambassador to Germany

Hobbies/interests: Listening to music, exercising, traveling

Pet peeve: When people make noises with their mouth while chewing food. It’s so annoying.

Favorite movie and why: Drive. Ryan Gosling is such a badass in it. 

Favorite sports teams: San Francisco Giants & FC Bayern München

If you could get coffee with any famous person, who would it be and why? James Franco. The dude is ridiculously intelligent and also has a great sense of humor.  

Favorite food place on campus, and what do you order when you are there? New Yorker from Megabytes– it’s dank