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D.C. Food Trucks 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

What do DCists love more than a good political scandal? Food trucks, of course! While some might scoff at the idea of eating a meal served from a truck, DCists embrace the quirky demeanor and unconventional style. Plus, it gives us something else to tweet about! 

Looking for an alternative to on campus dining options? Let’s be honest, as excited as we get our Mac ‘n Cheese Day at TDR, variety is the spice of life. But how do you pick which food truck you’re going to try? Never fear, it’s simple! 

Visit www.foodtruckfiesta.com—if you go to this website, you’re more than halfway there. Food Truck Fiesta gives you a complete list of all the food trucks in D.C. as well as links to their websites and Twitter handles. Scanning the names of the food trucks, you spot one that catches your eye. Now, you click on the link and check out their menu and follow them on Twitter to track their location. Most food trucks are active on Twitter and are very helpful if you tweet at them. 

Currently, my favorite food trucks are Carnivore BBQ and Curbside Cupcake. Carnivore BBQ gave me a rather hefty meal for $8 that became 2 meals. For those of you keeping score, that’s $4/meal. Where on campus could you get a meal for $4? If you’re like me and have an obsession with cupcakes and Twitter, Curbside Cupcake is the answer to your prayers. Seriously, though. If you follow @CurbsideCupcake in Twitter, they constantly tweet to their “Cupcake Nation,” a la Stephen Colbert, about the whereabouts of their trucks Pink 1, 2 & 3 as well as the flavors of cupcakes on board that day.   

Now armed with infinite knowledge on tracking the famed food trucks of D.C., you are well on your way to becoming a D.C. food truck foodie. Bonus: it’s an opportunity explore the city. Tracking the food trucks can become more than just an adventure for your taste buds.

Lauren is in her senior year of college at American University in Washington, D.C., majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Marketing. A few of her favorite things include: reading, blogging (http://dcgirlinpearls.wordpress.com), social media (@DCGirlinPearls), politics, shopping, trying out new recipes, pearls and everything pink & green! She also loves college football, even though AU doesn't have a football team. After graduation, Lauren hopes to work in public relations for an agency.