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Danny Dubin ’16: Magician

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.


American University never ceases to obtain the most diverse students, from the smartest kids in DC to spectacular writers to mind-blowing magicians.  Danny Dubin is a freshman from Deerfield, Illinois majoring in Public Communication.  Dubin is actively involved in Fight Back/Rebuild, AU Ambassadors, the Jewish Student Association, and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon. He is also one of the youngest and best magicians in the tri-state area. Her Campus American got the amazing opportunity to interview this up-and-coming superstar.


How did you become involved in magic? What got you interested?

When I was seven years old I went to a day camp, which gave us the option to pick a specialized activity to participate in each day. My special activity was clowning—we made balloon animals, face painted, and did a little bit of magic. I must have shown a strong interest in magic because I was instructed to visit a local magic shop. I went there, bought my first trick, and caught the “magic bug”. I have been privileged to travel across the nation for magic conventions and performances. Nearly eleven years later, I now perform magic all across the Washington, DC area.


Tell us about your favorite moment while performing or at an event.

My favorite performance occurred in December 2011. I was performing a short illusion set in the Chicagoland area. I had built three illusions, and they all took an immense amount of time and effort to perfect. The show ended with my disappearance from the stage and reappearance in the audience. That feeling of accomplishment was one of the strongest that I have ever felt. It was my proudest magic moment.


If you could work with any magician who would it be any why?

I would choose to work with David Copperfield. He is currently the best magician in the world as he has performed the most shows all over the world. Copperfield is more than a great magician; he is a phenomenal storyteller. David Copperfield’s many years of experience and talent are incomparable to any other magician in the world today.


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I honestly do not see where life will take me in five years. I have always had a huge hunger for magic, and I know that that will not die out. Moreover, the pursuit of social justice, advocacy, and fundraising is a great passion of mine. To combine the two would be a phenomenal life! Entertaining others for the betterment of those in need is an exciting thought, and I can’t wait to see what happens!


When and where can we go see you perform in the city?

I perform regularly at Public Bar Tenley (right next to CVS) from 7:30-9:30. For up to date info check out my website: www.dannydubin.com. Also feel free to follow Danny Dubin Magic on Facebook and @DannyDubinMagic on Twitter.

Mireille Olivo is a senior at American University studying Public Communication with a minor in health promotion. She is a self-proclaimed southern belle, sunset enthusiast, avid rock climber, Quentin Tarantino fan, and smiler.  When she isn't writing for HCAU, y'all can find her giving tours or strolling alongside the Potomac river. After graduation, Mireille plans on pursuing a career in public relations for the political movement.