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Christmas as a Kid vs. Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

The holiday season is a lot of people’s favorite time of year! There’s so much to love about it. The snow, the decorations, the time spent with friends and families, holiday parties and food, holiday movies and vacation time just to name a few. As we get older a lot changes though. Here are some of the things we all did as kids around Christmas time.

Our expectations for gifts were quite different. Toys and video games were the staple gifts of all childhood presents. Now that we’re a bit older we don’t mind getting clothes, money/gift cards, and even food – all the things we dreaded getting before. We also spent a ridiculous time coming up with the perfect wish list for Santa which was usually full of gifts we were unlikely to receive (i.e. A dog).


You also have more than just your own gifts to worry about! You have to get gifts for friends and family too. Suddenly you find yourself having to crack open your wallet to make sure you get all the people you love a little something for the holiday season.

You couldn’t sleep at all on Christmas Eve, waiting anxiously for the morning to roll around so you could get to the presents under the tree. The earlier you woke up the better. 6 AM was no problem for you! 8 AM was considered late. As you get older you learn to cherish sleep a little more…

And of course…you believed in good old Santa Claus. There was no doubt in your mind that the fat jolly man with the big white beard pays your house a visit and leaves a magical array of gifts under your tree in the middle of the night…but only if you’ve been good. Obviously as adults we don’t believe in that anymore (or at least most of us don’t), but the fun spirit of Santa Claus is still in our hearts!

As we get older we tend to look back and wish we were kids again, wish we could go back to the days when everything was simple and wish we could relive the days when Christmas was pure magic and we still believed in Santa Claus.

But the truth is Christmas is that one time of year where you can be a kid again and have that childish spirit again. Sure there were a lot of great things about Christmas as a child, but there’s still so much to be happy about this time of year as the years go by. Christmas as an adult is more about the spirit, love and joy of the season and less about the presents and material things. The song “My Grown up Christmas List” hits home a little more. You realize that there’s more to Christmas than the packages with bows!


Enjoy the holidays, collegiettes! And remember, no matter how old you get you can always bring out your inner kid during Christmas time!


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My name is Gabby, I'm a sophomore at American University and I'm majoring in Communication Studies.