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Caitlin Barrett ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Name: Caitlin Barrett

Year: Sophomore

Age: 19
Hometown: North Haven, Connecticut
Major: Neuroscience
Relationship status: Single and ready to mingle:)
Pet peeve: Passive aggressive people
Where you can find me on campus: With Pitches Be Trippin’ and Phi Delta Epsilon
Dream job: Pediatric doctor
Something people do not know about you: I have always wanted to be a hip hop dancer
Favorite TV shows: The Office and Mindy Project
Ideal date: Getting dinner and walking around the monuments
Celebrity crush: Jeremy Johnson
Favorite accessory: Boots
Most embarrasing moment: Every day of my life 
Guilty pleasures: Napping, binge-watching “Bridezillas” and singing along to Beyonce performances
If you could meet one person who would it be: Tina Fey or Mindy Kaling
Favorite thing about D.C.: It is so easy to be a tourist and not be judged.\
What’s next for Caitlin Barrett: Hopefully medical school…fingers crossed. If not, there is always clown college #allaboutthatfreakshowlife.