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A Beginner’s Guide to Zumba

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Warning: sweat is mandatory

If you’re anything like me, working out is just not you’re thing. My idea of a workout is running down the stairs to get to class. I hate working out. I find it so boring standing in the same area for an hour running on the spot or lifting weights. Little did I know there was more to working out than just lifting weights and running on the treadmill! Here at AU, every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:15-9:15 pm in the Cassell Fitness Center there is a group Zumba exercise class! It’s so much fun and before you know it, you’re sweating, laughing and having a great time all while getting a great work out.  

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your work out.  

First, what even is Zumba?Zumba is a fitness program, obviously, that combines both dancing and fitness to create the perfect workout atmosphere. Dancing along with Latin-inspired music, you’ll get a great workout for all levels.

Get into it!The only way to get a great workout is to actually put effort into the moves. You may look a little silly, but that’s okay. That’s half the fun! When I attended my first class I was so embarrassed because I hadn’t taken a dance class in over eight years! I knew my rhythm would be completely off and was afraid to too silly in front of a large group of people. Thankfully, after the first song I realized that not everyone is a perfect dancer and gave it my all with no care about looking silly.

Don’t get frustratedIt’s very easy to get lost on the dance steps considering you’ve never seen the moves before. It may take a few times before you catch the hang of whatever you’re doing without tripping over your feet. It’s okay. You won’t be the only one. Just wait until a familiar moment or the start of the beat to continue on. Worse comes to worse, just jump on the spot and do a similar move instead so you’re still moving.

Don’t judgeYou’re all there for the same reason: to get a fun workout. It won’t be fun if you’re judging people for their size or lack of dance moves. There’s no need for negative energy in a fun space! It just dampens not only your workout, but also everyone else’s!

Dress Appropriately Not only are you getting a major work out but you’re also in a fairly crowded room. Dress in whatever you’re comfortable in, but be sure to wear comfortable shoes and breathable clothes!

Bring lots of water Although the class starts out slow, the speed of the songs tend to get faster by the end of a class. You will get dehydrated from the workout, so it’s easier to step to the back of the room to grab a quick drink instead of searching for the nearest drinking fountain outside of the room.

It’s okay to take a breakAlthough the instructor may not offer a long enough break for you to catch your breath, you are allowed to step out for a song to cool down and get a sip of water. No one is going to judge you for taking a break. I’m sure they would rather that than having you pass out. As soon as you’re ready, jump right back in and have some fun.

Now that you’re ready for your first Zumba, join Julie S. on Tuesdays or Zuzu on Thursdays at 8:15pm in Studio AB at the Cassell Fitness Centre. A single class is $7 or an unlimited pass is $65 to enjoy all the group classes offered.

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