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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Dear Her: It is hard transitioning to in person classes. Any advice?

Sincerely, Used to Zoom

Dear Used to Zoom: I hear you! It can be really overwhelming transitioning back to in person classes after being virtual for so long. It is important to take things one step at a time. As with everything, it can be hard if you rush into it all at once. By allotting time to disconnect and reconnect with yourself you will find that things will become easier. Try getting a fun meal after a long class or studying with friends to ease your transition. It is important to know that you are not alone. Lots of us on campus are feeling this way this year.


Dear Her: I have noticed that it is hard to interact with peers again. I struggle to hold conversations after not being social for so long. How can I make this easier?

Sincerely, Not Social

Dear Not Social: While we were not on campus, there was less of a need to make new friends as our social circles remained small. Not only that, but when we did make friends it was virtually and now we are all face to face again, so I hear you. It is definitely not easy to hold conversations after a year of being in small social circles. It is important to take breaks and realize that you do not need to be on 24/7. It is easy to get burnt out and exhausted if you are always engaging in socially draining conversations and activities. Try not to over exert yourself and when you feel that you have had enough, it is okay to step back a little bit. If you are going to events try staying for a little bit and then heading home early. There is nothing wrong with taking time for yourself when you need it.

Ask Her is Her Campus at American’s advice column. If you would like to receive advice, please submit a form here and look out for a response in a future article!