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Andy Lalwani ’18: Rising YouTube Star

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Although he is only a freshman, Andy Lalwani is already making a name for himself here at American University. He is one of those people that everybody knows and loves on campus. A month ago, he uploaded his first video to his YouTube page called “American University Girls Define DC Slang.” In that short amount of time, Andy has acquired a loyal following on his YouTube and nearly 400 likes on his Facebook fan site.

Her Campus American University: What made you decide to start a YouTube channel?

Andy Lalwani: People would always tell me that I had such an entertaining personality and that I should start a YouTube channel. So basically over the summer I got some things together and bought a new camera. I wanted to have fun with a channel, and also keep people at home up to date with what I’m doing.  

HCAU: What types of videos do you make?

AL: I make college humor related videos and videos about what I am doing at college. I also want to start making videos that break down LGBT stereotypes and other initiatives as well. Hopefully if my channel gets enough views, I’d love to start some activism.

HCAU: You have gotten almost 400 likes on your Facebook fan page in only a month. How did you become popular so quickly?

AL: I don’t know. People just always seem to know me when I come up in conversations. People from home are so supportive and so closely knit, that they just hopped on this little bandwagon, and before I even had my first video I had like 150 likes on my Facebook page.

HCAU: What types of videos should we expect in the future?

AL: You should expect videos every Thursday. Expect college humor videos, videos keeping everyone up to date with what’s going on in D.C. and events I’ve been to, and just stepping out of the status quo— such as poking fun of certain topics.

HCAU: What YouTube videos or personalities inspire you?

AL: (Laughs) I’ve been called the “brown Tyler Oakley.” He’s a big inspiration of mine, as well as Davey Wavey and Connor Franta.

HCAU: What else have you gotten involved with since you got to AU?

AL: My two biggest involvements are ATV and Queers and Allies. They are both such supportive groups, both such closely-knit families. Other clubs include PRSSA, Photo Collective and News2Share.

HCAU: You also participated in Phi Mu’s Big Man on Campus pageant. Talk about that experience. 

AL: I represented Queer and Allies for the pageant. It was fun putting myself out there, even though I’m only a freshman. It was very uncommon for a freshman who has only been here fore three weeks to enter into something like this.

HCAU: And lastly, what are you majoring in?

AL: Broadcast Journalism.

Check out Andy’s YouTube channel to see what all the buzz is about! 


Lauren is currently a Junior at American University and is pursuing a degree in Business Administration with a Finance specialization. As a previous communications student, Lauren is a long-time writer for Her Campus. She believes every student, no matter what major, can benefit from learning about business and finance. Her goal is to share some of the information she has learned as a business student to empower other young people to prepare for financial success. Lauren writes articles focused mainly on personal finance, business and career prep.