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Abortion Speak Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

If Roe vs. Wade were overturned, 31 states would ban abortion. The average person would have to travel 157 miles to the nearest abortion clinic. 

This is one of the many issues students voiced at The Abortion Speak Out on October 16th hosted by American University Students for Reproductive Justice. Proceeds from selling T-shirts and boobie shaped cupcakes benefitted Women Have Options Ohio. Members and non-members were invited to share either personal stories or ones from the 1 in 3 Campaign. The 1 in 3 Campaign aims to promote a new conversation about abortion through women harnessing the power of personal storytelling to inspire action and strengthen support for abortion access. 

No two stories shared were alike. From an emotional monologue about a woman who’s planned pregnancy had to be terminated due to health risks to a story of a woman who’s abusive ex-boyfriend was her only support during her procedure, the wide array of women, situations, and emotions in each story helped to debunk the stereotype of women who seek abortions. 

Not only were the stories meant to help put an end the stigma and stereotypes of abortion, but raise awareness of the seriousness of abortion restrictions in the United States. Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers, also known as TRAP Laws, put medically unnecessary restrictions on doctors in order to prevent people from getting abortions. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 205 of these restrictions were enacted from 2011-2013, including mandatory waiting periods, parental consent laws, and hospital admitting privileges. One important fact overlooked by abortion is critics is that it is one of the safest medical procedures with a safety rating of over 99%. With a continued voice on college campuses, in communities, and in the political ring, the 1 and 3 Campaign along with other similar abortion rights groups will continue their mission of education and acceptance for abortion and women’s rights.

Photo credits: AUSRJ twitter

Kari is currently a sophomore in the School of Public Affairs and a contributing writer to Her Campus American. She enjoys trolling tinder, chocolate chip pancakes, and Keeping Up with Kardashians.