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7 Questions Relatives Will Ask You When You Go Home For Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

It’s almost that wonderful time of year where you can stuff your face with all your favorite traditional Thanksgiving foods, while surrounding yourself with friends and family. While going home means seeing your amazing relatives, who you’re very grateful for, the questions they bring to the table aren’t always something you’re looking forward to. Here are 7 questions we’re inevitably going to be asked this holiday break.

1. How’s college going?

Do you want the real or fake answer? The fake answer is, it’s going great! Classes aren’t too much of a hassle, I have a ton of amazing friends and I’m really starting to become a mature,young adult. The real answer is that I’m behind in every single one of my classes, I’ve made like five legitimate friends, and all I want to do is go back to the good old days where I can eat whatever I want and sleep all day long.

2. What are you majoring in?

 Ah, possibly my favorite question. One minute it’s this and the next minute it’s that. I don’t know about anything anymore. It’s only the first semester, do I have to plan out my entire future already? And yes Grandma, being undeclared is acceptable.

3. Are you single?

Yes, thank you for reminding me yet again how great it is to be single! Glad I can curl up in a warm, fuzzy blanket with the only boyfriend I’ll ever need, Netflix. He treats me well, always keeping me company when I’m feeling down or lonely.

4. Do you like living in a dorm?

It’s not the worst thing ever, but it’s far from being my bedroom at home. Walking to a bathroom shared between more than twenty girls is not what I call fun, but hey you gotta do what you got to do. Showering with shoes on has become the new norm, especially when you can get a foot disease by stepping on that shower floor. The dorm itself isn’t that bad if you have a good roommate, but sometimes you just need your space.

5. Have you made any friends?

Of course! I have tons of friends aka five really close friends and a couple of people I say hi to whenever we pass by each other. Does the kid I borrow a pencil from everyday in math count as a friend?

6. Do you miss me?

It’s great seeing you, but I’ve only really seen you on holidays anyway so there’s nothing to miss. Of course I miss seeing my family and friends, but a distant relative that doesn’t even know my name is hard to miss.

7. Do you need anything?

MONEY, FOOD, MONEY! I mean, no, I’m doing just fine.

Can you blame your relatives for wanting to know everything about your new exciting, independent life? Thanksgiving is all about the food and spending time with your family, so keep your head up, your ears open, your mouths full and you’ll survive this holiday.


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