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5 Tips for Safe Partying in D.C.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Who hasn’t had that moment of fear when they’re in a club, they look around and don’t see their friends’ anywhere? It’s that brief moment of fear that should remind us all to be prepared for the worst case scenario. Its not that the world is so dangerous or that it’s the woman’s responsibility to ward off precarious scenarios, its that as a fun-loving citizen of D.C., it’s so important to protect yourself from things you can’t control, like your friends getting trashed and leaving you behind. Here are five tips to ensure your safety the next time you hit the town.

1.       Always have the essentials!

A charged phone (maybe with a back-up battery!), cash, at least one credit/debit card and your insurance card. The last one may sound silly but it could be the difference for your emergency care if the worst happens!


2.       Make a Plan!

Talk with your friends beforehand about when you want to leave, what the protocol is if one of you wants to leave before the other so no one is left in the dark (literally.)



3.       Never ever travel home by yourself in an unfamiliar area.

I think this is most important when you’re coming home from a club downtown or a party in an unfamiliar area. You never know what could happen, so it’s best to play it safe.



4.       Give some serious thought to leaving with someone you don’t know

In most cases, I am all for acts of romantic spontaneity! However, if you are seriously drunk or by yourself, this is usually not a good idea. You have no idea how that person is going to treat you!


5.       Watch what you put in your body! 

Now, of course, I realize that “watching how much you drink” has beentotally overuse. Parents, RAs and even friends have probably hounded you on this since orientation but it’s too vital not to mention. I don’t mean just watching how much you drink, I mean being cautious with mysterious concoctions handed to you in cups with unknown origins. Be mindful of everything that enters your body.


As a society we need to change to respect women’s wishes more and crush the belief that promiscuous clothing is an excuse for sexual assault. All men (and women) should know how to hear and say “no” but until then we need to take precautions. Taking just a little bit of responsibility on yourself for safety will pay off in the long run. 




