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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

For those who have never heard of the term “Friendsgiving” it is essentially a celebratory dinner that mocks one of a Thanksgiving dinner, only there is no obligatory response to the generic questions of what your major is, how school is going, and if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend yet. Nor is there any political debate with family members that gets too intense or heated and results in you sitting there uncomfortably while your family mocks your political affiliation.

Friendsgiving is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the kind of family you choose to love and be around constantly. It is important to give thanks to family, but if you don’t have a solid support system from home or are not able to fly back to your family this year, then being thankful for those special people you choose to surround yourself with is equally as important to do this time of year.

By no means is this the “perfect” recipe for a Friendsgiving because every friendship is beautifully unique which is something to celebrate and be grateful for. But anyone can alter these five steps to make your Friendsgiving your own! Every Friendsgiving dinner should have elements of each friend’s personality, so cater these steps to what you and your friends are made of!


1. Assign everyone a dish to bring or cook

This gives everyone an opportunity to bring something to the table that they actually enjoy eating, especially since family Thanksgiving dinners can sometimes consist of food you don’t like but are obligated to eat. Also nothing is more intimate and thoughtful than cooking (or buying, no shame) a food for friends you love and are thankful for!

2. Grab the bubbly!

Have everyone pitch in for a few bottles of red wine, rosé or sparkling juice to make the dining table look *extra* fancy! Glasses full of bubbly really bring the aesthetic all together which will look perfect for the Instagram or Snapchat story.

3. Create a centerpiece together

Every Thanksgiving dinner table has a beautiful centerpiece that brings all the food and family together, so of course, a Friendsgiving centerpiece is a must. Instead of going out and buying an overpriced centerpiece that you’ll never have use for in the dorm or apartment again, create a memory with your friends by making a centerpiece from scraps or random objects in your dorm or apartment! It’ll turn out funky and a little weird, but that’s what all good friendships are made of.

4. Give your friends a chance to reflect

Finding a moment to express gratitude is so important in the midst of all the stress from college exams to Christmas shopping. So place down a little card at each seat and have everyone write down or say out loud what they are thankful for. It can be a humbling experience that brings your friend group even closer.

5. Make a playlist together

Before your Friendsgiving happens, there needs to be a dedicated DJ with a poppin’ playlist of everyone’s favorite songs. There cannot be cooking, eating or hanging with friends without a playlist of songs you can all jam to. With a playlist everyone contributes to, there will never be a dull moment in your Friendsgiving.


Hopefully, these very few and easy steps will help those who are spending Thanksgiving away from their home feel a little less alone. This time of the year is so special, so gather all of your friends and be grateful for what you have together. Taking a moment to slow down and realize the good friends you have around is important to do before the materialistic holidays consume us. 


Image Credit: title, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5




Christina studies Journalism and Political Science at American University in Washington, D.C. She has a deep passion for human interest stories, traveling, and politics. Christina enjoys writing for Her Campus because it brings the stories of young college womxn all together like no other platform or news outlet does.