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5 Female Spotify Artists You’ve Never Heard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Although Spotify is great, and far better than Apple Music (a fact I am willing to fight anyone on), it can sometimes seem like a daunting wormhole of hipster singer-songwriters and rising artists. It’s easy to find what’s playing on the radio in the “Today’s Top Hits” section, but there are also millions of amazing musicians that may not be so easy to find. Here are just some of the platform’s female up and coming artists so that you can say, “I knew them before they were famous.”


Arlissa is a singer-songwriter from London, UK. Her career took off in the States with her song “Hearts Ain’t Gonna Lie” featuring Jonas Blue. She has released dozens of singles, the most recent one being “We Won’t Move,” a heartfelt ballad surrounding our current political and social climate. Arlissa’s look is very natural and stripped down, with her iconic curls making an appearance in every record cover. Her sound is powerful yet effortless, and perfect for those relaxed,“fairy light” nights in.


LÉON was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden and since starting her career with an EP in 2015, has transitioned to a more indie pop style. LÉON has a more upbeat sound with songs like “Tired of Talking,” that make you want to get up and dance. But, if you ever find yourself in need of a good car crying session, “I Believe in Us” has got you covered. Her songs are perfect for those long night drives, yet can be easily turned on to start a party.

Jessie Reyez

Jessie Reyez is a Colombian singer-songwriter. Her career  skyrocketed when the hit “Figures”  landed her on the top charts in Canada and soon she’ll be taking on the States. Her husky sound is unlike anything out there and her lyrics are bold and confident. The rawness of her music expresses an authenticity rarely seen in the music industry. Jessie is not afraid to speak her mind and be herself, a message that all young women need to hear.

Sabrina Claudio

Sabrina Claudio is an American singer that started her career on Soundcloud just a couple years ago. Since then, she has released several albums with her biggest song being “Belong to You.” Sabrina thrives on acoustic melodies like “Tell Me” as well as more instrumental, multilayered songs like “Unravel Me.” Her sound is soft and sweet, yet oftentimes mysterious, and perfect for those late nights when you just want to unwind.


King Princess

King Princess is a singer-songwriter from Brooklyn, New York. You may have heard of her hit song “1950” floating around the top charts when her EP “Make My Bed” gained media attention. Her image is genuine and real, and she strives to connect with her audience on a more personal level. Her vintage pop sound is present throughout all of her music and her lyrics touch on her identity as genderqueer and gay. She strives to bring the LGBTQ identity into mainstream music and is hinting at a new EP coming out soon.


Image Sources: 1,2,3,4,5

Denise Rogozin

American '22

Denise is currently majoring in Public Relations and Strategic Communication at American University. Denise was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. Aside from writing for HerCampus, she loves music and is a frequent visitor of DC's art scene.