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3 TED Talks That Will Change Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

There are some things you just can’t learn in a classroom. A great outlet to see people internationally talking about important life lessons is through TED Talks. These are presentations on anything and everything, from biology breakthroughs to women’s rights. There are tons of TED Talks and Her Campus AU found the best of the best: the ones that will change your life.

    1. How Do YOU Define Yourself? 


Remember that time in middle school where some girls made fun of your because of what you were wearing? Lizzie Velasquez went through that her entire life, but because of a medical condition that prevented her from ever gaining weight. Constantly called “ugly” and eventually labeled as “The World’s Ugliest Girl” by her peers, Lizzie stood up to her bullies by achieving her goals and proving that no matter what you look like, you can dream big and be successful.

What it will change: The way you view and talk about people around you, especially women. Lizzie’s words will pop into your head when you’re criticizing another girl’s hairstyle or a boy’s body shape. Overall, it will teach you to show kindness and acceptance for everyone. And doesn’t that make the world a better place?

    2. If I Should Have a Daughter 

This teacher begins with a spoken-word poem to launch into a talk about creativity and telling stories. The poem will lift your spirits when you feel like life is just too hard, while the talk itself will inspire you to go forth with confidence. Watch the whole video because there’s a suprise at the end!

What it will change: Your belief in yourself! This is especially true on days when you feel like the whole world is against you. During times like this, lines like, “Rain will wash away everything if you let it” will run through your mind. You’ll not only become more confident in your abilities, but also develop the skill of remaining positive in the face of adversity.

    3. How Movies Teach Manhood 

This talk features a father of both a son and a daughter talking about female presence in media, particularly in movies. It’s a powerful talk because it will open your eyes to prejudices and biases in the movie industry that you may not have known even existed. Plus, he talks about Disney princesses. It’s a win-win!

What it will change: How you view the movie industry and the media in general. You’ll join the crowd of people already asking for movies that star women with more powerful roles than just “chick flicks”. Plus, if you have younger siblings, it can help you to expose them to movies that don’t fall into gender role categories.