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17 Little Things That Make You Miss Your Mother

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

As college students there is a big chance we are living away from home, and that means away from our parents. Sure, this is exciting for most of us as it gives us a chance to experience independence for the first time. But when we actually get to the living alone part, we realize there is a lot of responsibility that comes with the freedom we badly wanted as teenagers. Now there are many day-to-day situations in which all you really need is your mother’s guidance and words of wisdom. Here are the moments in which we need our mothers the most as we start our adulthood.

1. When you are feeling under the weather and you NEED to know what type of medication you can take.

2. When you achieve something and need to tell someone about it as soon as possible.

3. When you are having trouble sleeping at night and want some comfort.

4. When you don’t get how the washing machine works.

5. Followed by not understanding how to get the drier to start.

6. When you need to eat something fast but have no idea what to cook.

7. When you are craving your favorite homemade dish, that no matter how many times you try, it will never taste the same.

8. When you need a deep conversation from woman to woman, but your friends won’t understand what you are referring to, so you need mom.

9. When the person you’ve been staring at finally talks to you, and you need good advice on how to react.

10. When its Sunday and you start missing the family dinners you used to hate going to as a child.

11. When an important holiday or birthday comes and she is too far away from you.

12. When you need to cry, and need someone to truly listen to what you are going through but she is too far away to hug you.

13. Nothing is more motivating then a mothers advice when it comes to taking an important work decision.

14. When you feel lost and out of place in life, you’re mother will always know what to say.

15. When you don’t know where you left the thing you so desperately need to use, and know that if your mom was close by she would find it.

16. When you have to run some errands or go to a doctors appointment and wish your mom was there to go with you.

17. When life gets too overwhelming and you feel only your mother would know how to comfort you.

These are just some of the moments in which we might feel the void of having our mothers far away. Luckily for us, we have many ways to stay in touch and close to them, through Skype, texting, Facetime and phone calls. But even this will never be the same as getting to hug your mother every day.


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