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15 Foods to Boost your Metabolism

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.
While many of us fear gaining the “Freshman 15” when we leave for college, or just fear gaining any extra unwanted pounds, it is still hard to maintain our weight when we are surrounded by so many delicious food options, not only in our school’s dining centers, but also outside of campus.
Some women may feel the best way to lose weight is through dieting, but there are many easier ways for women to lose weight. One way is to target your body system that breaks down energy, also known as your metabolism. We can help increase our metabolisms by eating certain foods. As women get older, their metabolisms slow down, however, these fifteen delicious foods are proven to boost your metabolism and help you maintain your weight.

1. Grapefruit

2. Green Tea

3. Yogurt (plain, regular, or greek!)

4. Almonds

Almonds are also great for burning belly fat.

5. Coffee

6. Turkey

7. Apples

-Apples are also great for making your teeth whiter and healthier!  

8. Spinach

9. Beans

10. Jalapenos

Spicy foods in general are known for increasing metabolisms.

11. Broccoli

12. Curry

13. Cinnamon

14. Soymilk

15. Oatmeal

This is just a short list of a variety of foods that increase your metabolism. More foods can be found in this mega-list.


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International Studies student at American University.