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12 Signs You Are from the Midwest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Okay, I’ll be the first to admit: Colorado is not technically a “Midwestern” state. But I fully support the idea that the two-thirds of my home state that are not mountainous belong with those states that are nothing but farmland for miles and miles. And while some of my fellow Midwesterners have been adjusting quite nicely to our East Coast home, there are still a few undeniable quirks that we share. For your amusement, here are 12 signs that you (or your friends) are from the Midwest…


1. When you see someone you know on the street, you give them a big cheery smile and shout “Hello!” even if you’re just acquaintances. Or strangers. The East Coaster won’t even wave back.

2. Everything is cheaper back home.

3. Anything can be dipped in ranch dressing. It is the food of the gods.

4. Cornhole is very serious business. It has been known to tear apart families and friendships alike.

5. Snow in May and September is typical.

6. Speaking of snow, you actually know how to drive in it.

7. You laugh when East Coast cities shut down for a half foot of snow.

8. Uggs have been the shoe of choice for the past 5 years.

9. You can wear shorts like it’s no big deal when its 45 degrees outside.

10.  It’s called “pop”, not “soda”.

11.  Sneakers and tennis shoes are the same thing.

12.  Public transportation is not a thing you know how to use and you are terrified of it.

Thoughts? Are there any other qualifications to being a Midwesterner? What makes your area unique? Tell us in the comments section!

Photo Credit: http://www.quickmeme.com/page/2/