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11 Things to Look Forward to this Election Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Another month has passed, and with that, we are a month closer to the 2016 presidential election. Now, though we can actually start to get pumped about the election because it is less than a year away!! Not only that, primaries are even closer, with the Iowa Caucus scheduled for mid-February.

In honor of this momentous occasion, I present 11 things to look forward to in the next 11 months of presidential campaigning:

1. All the Hillary Clinton pantsuits.

2. Debates that actually include debating different ideas.

3. Donald Trump finally assuming the irrelevant position he deserves.

4. Very well educated adults yelling at each other about things that aren’t that important.

5. An intense pining for Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart to still be on your TV.

6. Plenty of awkward Facebook encounters with your family members who hold completely opposing views from you.

7. Political subtweets.

8. CNN becoming increasingly ridiculous.

9. The use of “liberal” and “conservative” as dirty words by the opposing party.

10. Politicians doing things no one would ever to do in order to seem like a regular person.

11. An election that you can vote in! 



Photo Credits: 1, 2, 3, 4

Hannah Zakrzewski, better known as Hannah Zak, is a sophomore History major with minors in Theater and Public Administration and Policy and a full time nasty woman. No, she does not know what she wants to do, and yes, she will find a job with a degree in History. Hannah is aggressively from New York, particularly from her hometown, Buffalo. She is passionate about Alexander Hamilton, theater and tv, politics, coffee, Tina Fey, The West Wing, and monograms.