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The 10 Guys You Will Meet During College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Dating is just a game, but that does not mean its always fun. College is a time to learn about yourself while getting to know the world and this includes boys. Sometimes we get so excited over a new boy that we forget to look at who they are or their quirks. Set your standards high ladies. These are the ten guys you will meet at some point in college.

1)   Mr. Hot n’ Cold: He’s almost as bad as the Katy Perry song after the fourth straight week on the radio. This relationship will flourish immediately and things will seem to be headed down the right track.  However, some weeks he simply won’t text you back, his texts will be curt, he makes plans with everyone but you or he just seems distant while other days he is always by your side. He does this because he hangs out whenever its most convenient for him. If things are really serious, a girl will be his full prioritiy especially after talking to someone for so long. Mr. Hot n’ Cold is not Mr. Right and therefore he should be given the cold shoulder. It’s one thing to be busy during finals and another to be busy everyday. Unless you are prepping to be a doctor, don’t be on call for him and skip out on Mr. Hot n’ Cold.


2)   Mr. Insta-boyfriend: He acts like you two are in a relationship faster than minute made rice in 90 seconds. Though it’s exciting to be with someone so interested and have the relationship flourish so quickly, it could be a problem. Remember if he calls you baby, honey, sweetie, and darling almost immediately after meeting, you’re probably not the first girl he’s used pet names with. These relationships will likely burn up for a couple of weeks before flaring out faster than it began. 


3)   Mr. Repeat Offender: Don’t hook up with your exes. Nothing has changed between the both of you, you still know everything about them and they still have deal breaker qualities. But if the problems between you two have subsided, a second time around isn’t a terrible idea.  However, drunken nights at a frat party are not an excuse to grab an ex’s face.  You may regret it and it will be awkward the next time you meet.

4)   Mr. Gay: We go to American University. This is most likely going to happen at some point in your college career and it’s perfectly fine. In fact, the whole situation is can just bring you closer and you two can be best friends!


5)   Mr. Clingy: You had something once last semester for a week but he won’t leave you alone now. Enjoying each other’s company is one thing, but being in a relationship is another. Mr. Clingy will constantly push you to hang out and push even harder for a relationship to start up. If you are feeling uncomfortable with this, being unavailable is the best if you aren’t confrontational. Eventually Mr. Clingy Saran wrap will get the message.

6)   Dr. Dog: Not the band. If he’s been around town with everyone before you, he is sure to keep going on after you. If you aren’t looking for a one-night hookup, run for the hills. Nobody can change a dog’s primary instincts therefore this kind of guy is a mistake for anyone looking for a genuine relationship.

7)   Mr. Childhood Friend: You’ve known each other forever but things seem to be escalating. Both parties need to be completely willing for this to workout. If one person is being friend-zoned, make a decision to accept the situation or leave the friendship forever. Whatever the decision, there is no rewind button so be sure that communication is clear. 

8)   Mr. Unavailable: Being busy is understandable, but being pretty much being non-existent is just unattractive. This is by far the most frustrating male. He is extremely interested and extremely flirty when you are together, but hardly every makes time or has a very short time slot for you. If both of you make plans and he bails three times within 15 minutes of your meeting time, he is a flake. If he isn’t pretty much begging for time with you or he makes it seem like he is doing you a favor by making time for you, do yourself a favor and walk away. 

9)   Mr. Far-far-away: Whether you met at home or abroad, keeping the chemistry alive is difficult. There are firm believers that long distance will never work, but stay hopeful. There is never any harm in trying; he could be your soulmate, but other people’s words could keep the two of you apart. Find out where you stand and go from there. It will be hard but it might just work in your favor.

10) Mr. Not Right: Sometimes things don’t work but every relationship is a learning experience not only about the kind of boys you are interested in but also about yourself. Though no one can guarantee that every girl will find their soul mate in college, don’t get your hopes up. Celebrate the single life, don’t forget your friends, smile at every moment and love as much as possible. 

Mireille Olivo is a senior at American University studying Public Communication with a minor in health promotion. She is a self-proclaimed southern belle, sunset enthusiast, avid rock climber, Quentin Tarantino fan, and smiler.  When she isn't writing for HCAU, y'all can find her giving tours or strolling alongside the Potomac river. After graduation, Mireille plans on pursuing a career in public relations for the political movement.