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How to be Positive in a Negative Environment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albizu chapter.

If you’re reading this its probably because you may be having a hard time and truly believe this article might help you, because you are just curious or because you just saw that somebody shared it on Facebook. It it’s the first I’m sorry, I know we’ve all gone through this and if not at some point you will, if it’s the second I hope it does help you and if it’s the last one “yay”. No, but seriously, at some point or the other we encounter ourselves with people that we question our relationship with them, I’m talking about the negative ones that share their negativity with the rest of the world. It is a really hard situation, it’s uncomfortable for almost everybody and it really drains you. Here I share with you some ways you can be positive even in a negative environment. P.S be strong maybe it will spread alone instead than of the negativity, because the thing is many people don’t even recognize what’s wrong or affecting around them.

  1. Stay true to yourself: You and this person may be close or may not be close, if it drains you and affects you emotionally which at the end of the day will affect your overall health you can maintain your distance if necessary. Sometimes you have to be a little bit selfish with yourself, and with this I mean that sometimes you have to put yourself first. If you are not comfortable with something or someone don’t pretend like you are remembering to take care of you.
  2. Communicate the positive: With this being said if it is a situation that you will just have to deal with calmly tell the person what makes you feel uncomfortable or not, or that you will prefer is some topics aren’t discussed in front of you because I know some just talk and don’t think about what they are actually saying. But be careful we don’t want to upset anybody or make things worse.
  3. Be careful with what you say: If you second guess saying something before actually saying it chances are is just better not to say anything at all. Spread happiness and positiveness remember we make the environment and along with everybody else, we make our days better than the one before.
  4. Be grateful of others: As we can point on stuff being done incorrectly and whatsoever we can do the same with what is done correctly, it is truly amazing how this can help boost the mood of someone it can even turn into a habit.
  5. The better comes after the worse: This may sound cliché but it is what I always tell those close ones when they are going through something. Life has thought me that after going through not so good things the best comes to you right after. Always have that on mind when something doesn’t go your way or when you are just having a bad day.
  6. Understand others: This is really hard for some but we need empathy and to put ourselves in other shoes sometimes to truly understand what may be going on. People don’t always think stuff through and they just say and do things that may be considered correct for them but actually it might not be for others, so keep that in mind when dealing with other people.
  7. Have your time: take a bubble bath, have a cup of tea, go for a run, enjoy your favorite book or movie at Netflix but detox from everyday. We may deal with so many people daily and we might catch in that energy and get drained with it, just relax, take time for yourself and take the good out of the bad always.
Yarilix Santos is a senior undergraduate student majoring in Psychology. She is a DCP fall intern 2016  and research assistant. Loves to read, write and travel. In her free time you can find her either searching for new places to eat at Old San Juan or in a near coffee shop. She plans to go to grad school and study Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Undergraduate Psychology Student in Carlos Albizu in San Juan Creative, Friendly, Reliable. Love to read, write, draw and paint. You can find her exploring, studying and eating in at Old San Juan or traveling around Puerto Rico. Her plans are to graduate from psychology and find a job.