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Why We Should Be Nicer To Celebrities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

On the surface, it’s easy to assume that these people have it all. Luxury cars, mansions in upscale gated communities, perfect relationships, and figures one could only dream of having. These are the people we look up to, seek comfort and consolation in through their art, and so much of the time, wish we could be. Alternatively, one could note that it does not take much more than a scroll through their Instagram comments to see that it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, having to face the world in all its judgment and criticism from strangers who are not perfect themselves. With fame comes an inherent perceived isolation from society and tendency to be placed under a microscope that we, as the public, place on them. Female celebrities are especially prone to this phenomenon, receiving constant backlash for whatever choices they make, often finding that it is a double edged sword either way, no matter what they post. Internet trolls specialize most specifically in misogyny, racism, and pure hatred as they flaunt around social media, leaving vile commentaries on another person’s life for absolutely no reason.


Not enough people realize that all the money in the world could not make celebrities exempt from emotion. The people we’re talking about here are real people, with real families, and real problems they are faced with on a daily basis. So many of them have been through the ringer and back, all while in the public eye, yet still manage to carry themselves with grace and somehow ignore the criticism that comes from all possible angles. Their career decisions are judged, their personal lives are hyper analyzed, and with that being said, there is an underlying sense of no boundaries when it comes to how far some people will go to potentially add to the negativity. There is such a lack of empathy, and it often makes me wonder… Why? What have these people done to us that could ever validate the way people are blatantly mean to them?


I think it’s time for the world to find more sympathy, and take accountability for the comments it posts from anonymous accounts. Just because someone possesses a recognizable talent and more fame than the next does not mean that they are immune from the notion of letting it get to them. Many of these celebrities have had to deal with anxiety, PTSD, private illnesses, and battles with substance abuse throughout their very public and broadcasted lives. We as the audience need to be there for them just as much as they provide us with art that enriches our lives. It is so much more gratifying to leave a positive comment on their posts, as you never know if they’re having a bad day and could be needing it. Regardless, always refrain from the use of negativity on celebrities’ posts. You don’t like something? That is perfectly fine, you are not obligated to. Take the high road and scroll past it instead of channeling that energy into something that has a high likelihood of being viewed by the celebrity in question and further damaging their self esteem.


Cute coffee shops. New York City. Concerts. Writing stuff. Freshman at University at Albany. That's all there is to it.