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Top 5 Destinations for Spring Break 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

In less than a month’s time, the week we’ve all been waiting for will finally arrive. We’ll be saying goodbye to late night midterm cramming, the never-ending snow of Albany, and the horrendous negative degree temperatures – and hello to sun, fun and a week of non-stop partying with our best friends. Hey, we’re only students once, right? 

Spring Break is coming, and if you’re still unsure where to jet off to, we’ve rounded up the top 5 destinations to go to this year.

Miami, FL

One of the best destinations for college students during Spring Break is Miami – that Will Smith song says it all. It’s no wonder either, with glorious heat, beautiful beaches, and a ton of bars aimed at students with special offers and cocktail deals. After a long day of tanning on Miami Beach, the sun sets and the neon lights of South Beach glow ready for a night of partying. Miami nightlife is not to be missed! 

New Orleans, LA

Looking for a more cultural alternative for this years Spring Break? Well, look no further than New Orleans. Parades, parties and more, the city has plenty to offer both day and night. Many bars have no closing hour, the food is delicious, and there’s music blasting on every street. You can enjoy the French feel of the architecture, and you won’t be stuck on things to see and do.

Cancun, Mexico

Cancun is one of the most popular Spring Break destinations in the world. It’s not just a week for college students anymore – people from across the globe fly out to Cancun to see what it has to offer. Arguably home to Mexico’s best beaches, blue waters and ancient Mayan ruins, Cancun has plenty to show in terms of its cultural heritage. The city’s club scene is worth a visit as well, as some of its nightclubs hold up to 4,000 people.

Panama City, FL

Florida is back on the list, this time with party city: Panama City. Situated along Florida’s Emerald Coast, the city has access to some of the most stunning beaches on the East Coast. A massively popular destination for Spring Breakers, you can indulge in ice cream on the white sands by day, and party in the city’s bars and clubs all night long.

Las Vegas, NV

Well, we couldn’t make a list of party destinations without including the infamous Las Vegas strip could we? Many students are keen to spend their dollars in one of over 30 major casinos, and have a night that could resemble a scene from ‘The Hangover’ (without the whole losing your friend on a roof thing, obviously.) With some of the best venues and entertainment in the country, Spring Break will certainly not let you down in Vegas. 

Edited by Toni Moy

(Picture Sources: pinterest, yahoo, tumblr, somecards.com, studentcity.com, gifsec.com, diylol, lovemeag.com, and buzzfeed)

Tabby is a 3rd year student at Swansea University in the UK, currently on a year abroad at the University at Albany, New York. She studies English & American Studies, and is the Travel & Study Abroad blogger at Her Campus Albany. She absolutely loves to travel, having already visited a number of cities in the U.S. and Canada since arriving last summer, including Boston, Chicago, Montreal and Washington D.C. Tabby also enjoys music, shopping, eating a lot of food (and instagramming said food) and excessively watching Netflix. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism once she graduates in 2016, having done some work experience previously at Microsoft MSN and now working for HC. http://instagram.com/tabbyduff 
Sophie is a 4th year student at the University of Nottingham, England. She is studying American Studies and would love a career in Journalism or Public Relations (preferably while living in NYC). Sophie has been a Fashion Blogger at HC Nottingham since she started at the University at Nottingham in 2012/13. She was also a Publicity Intern during her second year at HC Nottingham in 2013/14. She was a Campus Correspondent during her year abroad for HC Albany as well as contributing to writing for HC Nottingham. She is currently the Head of Publicity for Her Campus, as well as continuing to write fashion blogs. She is a self proclaimed fashion and make-up addict and she also enjoys travelling, reading, (excessively) watching TV shows and films, music, shopping and of course writing for Her Campus!