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SUNY Chancellor Award Winner: Rose Avellino

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

1. What is your year and major?

I’m a senior majoring in Public Policy with a focus in Public Administration and minoring in Sociology!


2. Currently, you are not only enrolled as an undergraduate but a grad student as well – can you tell us a little more about that and how it works?

Sure! I was accepted this past summer into the BA/MPA program that consists of taking competitive graduate level courses while simultaneously finishing your Bachelors. A major bonus of the program is you can take up to 12 credits at an undergraduate price and in theory finish you BA and MPA in 5 years.


3. What clubs are you a part of at UAlbany and what positions do you hold?

Currently, I’m in DC, so I’m not part of any on campus organizations – but I’ve had the opportunity to be part of some great student organizations during the last 4 years! I’ve served as a Senator for Indian Quad, the Assistant Director of Community Engagement and Outreach for the Student Association, then elected Director, Founding President of UA Alive as well as Walk Chair, Omicron Delta Kappa Treasurer, and a member of Dean’s Leadership Council for Rockefeller College.


4. So you’re currentlyspending this semester in D.C.! Tell me more about what you’re doing there.

Yes! Currently I’m doing the Rockefeller College’s Semester in Washington program. The program consists of taking classes one day a week with an Albany professor and interning the other four. It has been a wonderful opportunity so far and time is flying by! I’m spending four days a week interning in NYS Senator Gillibrand’s office. I really like what I’m doing there because every day is different. I’m getting the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of issues, and more about our national government. I would highly recommend the Semester in Washington program to any student who is interested in politics or wants to spend the semester in DC!


5. How would you rate your experience at UA overall? Why?

Overall, I would rate UA a 10/10! My time at UAlbany has been successful and positive because of the organizations I’ve been part of. I’ve taken advantage of internships in our state capital, and met such supportive friends that I could have never made it through without! I think my experience at UAlbany has been the best it could have been because I got involved from the very first month I was on campus and would highly recommend that for any incoming student.


6. Where is your favorite hidden spot in Albany? 

Not sure there are really any “hidden spots” in Albany…but I like Washington Park once it starts to get warmer out!


7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Then 10?

In 5 years I see myself living back in Washington, DC and possibly working on the hill! In 10 hopefully I’m making a difference in the health policy field!


8. What faculty member at UA do you believe really helped you where you are now?

We are really lucky to have some great faculty members at UA! I’ve mostly taken classes through Rockefeller College and all of the professors and professional staff I’ve come across have always been helpful. One professor that stands out would be Dr. Christakis! I’ve had him twice and always thought he went out of his way for students and to make UA a better place.


9. Out of all the speakers, alumni and musical artist that have come to UA, which one has been your favorite?

My favorite speaker series at Albany would be fall of my junior year when we had Obama’s campaign team! It was awesome to hear from David Axelrod, David Plouffe, and Jon Favreau firsthand about their experience working so closely with President Obama.


10. What are some words of wisdom you would give to any female students who want to work in the field your pursuing? 

Internships, Internships, Internships! My advice would be to get as many experiences as possible in different fields so you are exposed to different types of policy and not to be afraid to apply anywhere because you never know what is going to happen! 


(Photo Courtesy of Rose Avellino)

Georgina is a former student at the University at Albany, aspiring writer and current barista.