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The Long Haul Flight Survival Guide

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Flying somewhere new is exciting, but long haul flights can take quite a toll on your sanity. None of us enjoy being stuck in a metal box for hours on end. You wake up, after what felt like a really long nap, you’re sweating, yet freezing cold, you look at  the clock – and you’ve still got at least 5 hours to go…not fun. And you probably resemble something off the TV show The Walking Dead. As a study abroad student, long haul flights have become part of life, but I’ve learned now how to deal with them. Here’s our survival guide to long haul flying to help get you through it, and hopefully make your flight more enjoyable, and far less traumatic!

Pack Right

Packing the right stuff is key for travelling. Make a plan of what you DO need rather than what you might need, and you’ll be set. Make sure your carry-on is big enough to fit the essentials, but without going over the baggage limit.

Feelin’ Fresh

Do yourself (and the guy sat next to you) a favour and bring some travel-sized toiletries on board such as deodorant and cleansing wipes. You’ll feel just as fresh after the flight as you did before it.

Drink plenty & keep moving

It’s so easy to get really dehydrated when you’ve been sitting on a flight for several hours, 1000’s of miles high in the sky, so make sure you take full advantage of the free drinks and water on your flight. Also, to avoid feeling like you cannot actually move, get up every so often and have a wander up and down the aisles.

Sleep often!

We’ve all been there: your eyes are just closing, you’re almost asleep, when suddenly the person next to you loudly snores, inappropriately rests their head on your shoulder, or something else to annoy you which means you’re not getting any rest tonight. It isn’t the easiest to sleep while flying, but it is doable. Bring a pillow onboard, or even an eye mask if you’re not provided with one. Also, it’s a good idea to set the time on your phone to the local time in your destination – get used to the new time zone early to avoid that dreaded jet lag.

Get comfortable

A mistake made so many times before – it’s always best to opt for comfy, loose fitting clothing over the new shorts you just bought, even if they do look awesome. Perhaps go for some stretchy leggings instead, and bring something warm too. Planes get really cold when you’ve been sitting on one all day! You can thank me later.

In-flight entertainment

International flights usually have a huge choice of free movies and radio stations to listen to, but it’s still a good idea to bring along your own entertainment too. Come prepared with your fully charged devices, a book, your phone or whatever else will help you pass the time.

And of course, don’t forget your passport

Edited by Toni Moy(Picture Sources: Huffington Post, Tumblr, Pinterest)

Tabby is a 3rd year student at Swansea University in the UK, currently on a year abroad at the University at Albany, New York. She studies English & American Studies, and is the Travel & Study Abroad blogger at Her Campus Albany. She absolutely loves to travel, having already visited a number of cities in the U.S. and Canada since arriving last summer, including Boston, Chicago, Montreal and Washington D.C. Tabby also enjoys music, shopping, eating a lot of food (and instagramming said food) and excessively watching Netflix. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism once she graduates in 2016, having done some work experience previously at Microsoft MSN and now working for HC. http://instagram.com/tabbyduff 
Sophie is a 4th year student at the University of Nottingham, England. She is studying American Studies and would love a career in Journalism or Public Relations (preferably while living in NYC). Sophie has been a Fashion Blogger at HC Nottingham since she started at the University at Nottingham in 2012/13. She was also a Publicity Intern during her second year at HC Nottingham in 2013/14. She was a Campus Correspondent during her year abroad for HC Albany as well as contributing to writing for HC Nottingham. She is currently the Head of Publicity for Her Campus, as well as continuing to write fashion blogs. She is a self proclaimed fashion and make-up addict and she also enjoys travelling, reading, (excessively) watching TV shows and films, music, shopping and of course writing for Her Campus!