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Life Hacks: Let’s Prepare for Autumn

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Autumn is right around the corner! The air is different, the weather is different, and with the change of seasons come a change in hormones, which should mean a shift in your skin care regimen. The air typically does get a bit dryer in the change of season from summer to autumn, and between autumn to winter as well. We also need to factor in the change of our health habits on campus because it’s so much harder to juggle healthy habits and adult-ing at the same time.  If you have no skin care routine at the moment, you have a few options!

It’s really important to first know your skin type. There most common types are normal skin, dry skin, oily skin, and combination skin, and believe me, there are a lot of different options for all skin types. These are the basics: a make up remover, cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. I feel like oily skin is the most problematic because it’s usually also acne prone, so Iet’s talk about the perfect nighttime skin regimen for oily skin! Also, this oily skin routine will work for most skin types because it is very toning and moisturizing.

Oily skin

The number one reason why your skin is oily is because your body feels like the glands on your skin don’t produce enough oil, so they produce more oil for you (thank you, body). To you, it feels like butter central on your face, but it’s pretty normal for your body.  To combat this, removing your makeup with a little bit of oil really does the trick. Coconut oil is my holy grail makeup remover AND moisturizer after you tone and cleanse. It might sound ridiculous to remove makeup and moisturize with coconut oil, but it actually makes so much sense. You’re introducing an oil to your skin that way your skin will stop producing so much and balance out.

To remove your make-up: You take a little bit of coco oil and rub it around your eyes to remove your mascara and then an even smaller amount to rub across your face to remove your foundation, bronzer, highlighter, and basically everything else with a microfiber wet cloth. Remember, you’re using very small amounts of coco oil because you don’t want to overwhelm your face, waste your coco oil too fast (because its super expensive), and a little goes a long way anyway. I find the Carrington Farms coco oil is the most cost effective and healthiest one. It is 100% organic, cold pressed, unrefined, and pure. The packaging is most convenient too because when I buy the jar of coconut oil, if the oil is solid, I can never reach the oil at the bottom of the jar. This one is only 7 bucks too!

After removing your makeup with the wet cloth and coco oil, you cleanse! It’s really important to get a really gentle cleaner because like I mentioned earlier, oily skin is usually acne prone, which also usually means it’s sensitive. For most skin types, harsh cleaners usually do not mean a cleaner face. I always recommend to use a gentle cleanser because the other components of your skin care regimen will help you balance your skin and clear acne the natural way! Cetaphil is the best drug store gentle cleanser that I have used in the past. I personally use a Lush Cosmetics cleanser/makeup remover duo because my skin is really sensitive to ANYTHING drug store and I am transitioning into natural products. What I use is called Ultrabland, which is an extremely gentle, oil based cleaner made from beeswax (which is also non irritating and healing).

After cleansing, it’s important to tone your face to reset its pH balance. This is a number one acne treatment because an unbalanced pH contributes to flaring acne. Buy a spraying bottle and fill it with half water and half apple cider vinegar, and give your face a few sprays. 

Apple cider vinegar contains certain acids that help remove dead skin which will reveal new skin that’s clear and vibrant. You can find apple cider vinegar for dirt cheap at Walmart. For a gentler toner, witch hazel also does the trick, and will help with dark marks as well. With witch hazel, put a little bit on a cotton pad and dab all over your face.

After removing makeup, cleansing, toning, you have to moisturize. Like I mentioned earlier, coco oil is the best way to moisturize. I used to have the oiliest skin you could imagine and now my skin barely gets oily throughout the day, even with foundation on. Just take a little tiny bit with your index finger and rub it in your hands, then rub it into your skin. If you really prefer not using coco oil, almond oil is the next best thing because it is still gentle and also fights acne while moisturizing.

Most of what I mentioned are natural products because honestly, drug store products are complex in chemicals and your skin really doesn’t need that. Anything regarding the body (what you put on it and what you ingest) should be simple in form. Just remember, natural skin care routine is an investment (oils are expensive), but it is definitely worth it. Overall, the number one thing everyone should be doing is drinking more water! Everyone says this, but trust me there is a reason why.








Afro-latina wordsmith. Undergrad with psychology major with a minor in women's, gender, and sexuality studies, but don't ever ask me what I want "to be" because I am a continuous work of art.
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Ashanti Dunn

Albany '18
