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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Dear future son,

I want you to know that I’ll be behind you during each and every step you take. No matter what I might be doing, I’d never be too busy for you. You are my everything. I will always make time for you. Dear future son, I cannot make decisions for you, but I pray that you make wise ones during the course of your life. Dear future son, please don’t be hurtful towards others. I would hope for you to treat others kindly. Dear future son, you inspire me to be a better individual every single day. I’m so happy to know that you’re one of my greatest creations. You’re my muse. Dear future son, always put your best foot forward. I want you to know that you are an infinitely competent boy. Whatever you plan to do, if I don’t live to see it unfold, I’ll know you’ll succeed anyway. Dear future son, I love your hair texture and your skin. They may make unfair judgments about you, but remember that you are not inferior. You are just as important and just as loved. Your life matters too. Please just be as safe as you can out there my love. Dear future son, treat the queen you choose with the utmost love and respect. Cherish her and never let her go. Remind her how beautiful she is every day. Dear future son, be a great father to your children when you have a few of your own. Put them first. I want you to love them the way I love you more than life itself.

                                     Love, mommy.




A bomb Bronx girl at heart. A lil Jamaican thang. A whopping 61 inches tall and full of surprises. So far I’ve had 21 trips around the sun. Currently a senior at the University at Albany as well, and I absolutely LOVE to travel!