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Cute Valentine’s Dates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Valentine’s Day is about a week away! We’re college students and going all out for somebody that you’re talking to in college cost money. It cost money to eat *DJ Khaled Voice* so, I’m going to drop a few “keys” your way and give you some ideas what to do with your boo next weekend. Here are some inexpensive things to for Valentine’s Day with your boo or your girls.

At home spa

If you live in the apartments, all your supplies you already need is in your kitchen! Raid your kitchen for supplies to make DIY face masks. Then watch your favorite show while you wait for the masks to dry. 

Sweet tooth

We’re back in the kitchen! You can spend the night baking treats together. Pick your favorite desserts and make them together, or if you’re not the baking type head out to a restaurant.

Netflix/Hulu dinner

Are you behind on some shows? Or do you want to watch movies with your guy/girl? You can do that but order some takeout from your favorite restaurant. Make sure you light some candles so the date is a bit more intimate. You’ll spend the whole night eating, laughing and cuddling – a chill night. 

Do you wanna build a snowman?

Snow can be a major pain. But if you both happen to get snowed in, who says you can’t have fun? If it happens to snow go outside and have a snowball fight, build a snowman or go sledding. When you’re all done you can go back inside and drink hot chocolate and warm up under your heating blanket (if you have one).

Play games

February weather is usually the worst, so if you’d rather stay in channel your inner child and play your board games. It’s a great way to laugh and bond without just watching a movie like usual.

Go to a museum

There’s nothing more romantic than going on a museum date with your boo. You’ve seen it done in movies? So why not do it in real life? Going to the museum during the day is cute. You get to take pictures and learn something new at the same time. 

Tabia is a senior at SUNY University at Albany. She is studying Journalism with a minor in History and Africana Studies. She would love a career in Journalism as an Arts and Entertainment Reporter. She wants to go to graduate school in her native New York City or Boston, Massachusetts. In her spare time she likes to dance, sing, watch new shows on Hulu and read Her Campus articles. She is currently the Podium Perspective Director and a Staff Writer for the Albany Student Press and a founding member of Kappa Alpha Pi. Go Danes!