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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.


 In our current era, the term “bitch” has completely transformed. From meaning “female dog” or a malicious woman, “bitch” has become a positive title by simply adding the word “bad” in front of it. Men dream of bad bitches all the time. However, to them, a bad bitch is simply a woman who looks good and has a nice body. We must move away from this stigma because being a bad bitch means so much more. So, you’re probably wondering, if that’s not a bad bitch then what is? Continue reading and you’ll find out.

A bad bitch is someone who knows what they want in life and goes after it; they do what they want, when they want. They have control of every part of their life. Bad bitches form a vision and take active steps to achieve that vision. You must learn that your vision should prioritize yourself in every way. A bad bitch knows that she is a priority and doesn’t let anyone get in the way of that. A bad bitch goes and gets hers! She doesn’t have time to depend on others.

A bad bitch knows that she brings more to the table than her looks. Sure, a bad bitch looks good, but that’s the bare minimum. They don’t look good for anyone but themselves. When a bad bitch looks in that mirror, not only does it boosts their confidence, but it reminds them who tf they are. But just because a bad bitch looks good, does not mean she is perfect, and every bad bitch realizes this.

A bad bitch is independent. She doesn’t need any man or woman other to complement her in life. (God bless the person who can put up with a bad bitch.) I say this because a bad bitch is intimidating. She may come off as standoffish but that’s because a bad bitch isn’t worried about anyone else. Bad bitches don’t care to please others, nor do they care what others think/say. They are above that.

A bad bitch knows her worth. She’s not going to sit around and cry over anybody just because they don’t text back or they’re not interested. Oh, you’re not interested? Okay on to the next. Oh, you went a day without talking to her? You can go another day, and another one, and the rest of your days too. They don’t chase anyone. Bad bitches know when someone wants her and knows that someone who wants her will SHOW and not TELL. If a bad bitch catches feelings and those feelings aren’t reciprocated, trust me she’s throwing them right back. Bad bitches don’t take rejection to heart either. She gon’ keep moving forward. Bad bitches aren’t afraid to make the first move. Like I said, bad bitches go after what they want and are confident enough to do so.

A bad bitch takes risks and acts on inspiration. She’s not going to sit around and wait for something to happen. She’s going to get her ass up and do it. They are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone and will start a trend if needed. Bad bitches are fearless. Once she’s started, ain’t nothing stopping her. When a bad bitch figures out her true passion, no one can tell her otherwise.

A bad bitch is confident in every way. This might be the most important aspect of what it means to be a bad bitch. If you don’t have confidence, you don’t have anything. Bad bitches know that in this world people prey on weakness and the need to feel accepted. Bad bitches know that they weren’t brought into this world to be accepted. They have the confidence to be anything, wear anything, say anything, and do anything they want. Putting your best self forward is what a bad bitch does. If you don’t know how to be confident, just act like you are. The more you act like it, the more it will happen. By simply talking to and about yourself in a more positive way, your confidence levels will rise. It’s just as important to feel good on the inside as it is to feel good on the outside. A bad bitch knows that feeling and looking good on the outside doesn’t equate to what society portrays. No matter what size or color you are, a bad bitch is beautiful because she says she is. When you realize your potential as a woman and find your uniqueness, your bad bitch confidence levels rise. Confidence is key in life and will set the path for you.

A bad bitch is not worried about society. A bad bitch lives her best possible life every day. She embraces her freedom and acts on it in everything that she does. Society is known for trying to control and undermine women. They praise men for all that they do, yet women don’t get the same appraisal. They’ve labeled, degraded, judged, and underestimated women in everything that they do. But what does a bad bitch do in return? She fights back. She works hard. And she continues. Nothing can stop a bad bitch on her road to success.

A bad bitch is not afraid to have an open sexuality. As a bad bitch, you don’t care about society and you have complete self-confidence. So, if you want to sleep around, go right ahead. If you want to have sex on the first date, go right ahead. (Be prepared for the outcome though: some people are open to first date fucks, but others may think of you differently after. But a bad bitch realizes that she didn’t fuck on the first date to please anyone, she did it for herself because that’s what she wanted to do.) What you do in life is your business, who you fuck is your business, and if anyone has a problem…. well they can simply fuck off. A bad bitch is upfront about all that she does and is interested in. A bad bitch is not ashamed of her desire and is not ashamed to act on it. Girl go and have sex. Ready, set, hoeeeeeeee.

Bad bitches are rare. As you see that it’s not only about looks, it takes a lot to be a bad bitch. But, I know that in this era, many bad bitches are on the rise. Now more than ever, women are finally recognizing who they are and what they bring into the world. We stand on our own two feet and let no one tell us who we are. We don’t compromise ourselves for anyone, nor do we conform to society’s bullshit. 

All in all, stay bad, bitches.

My name is Brittany Seda and I am a senior at the University at Albany, majoring in Communications with a minor in journalism. I do have my own blog called InthemindofHER, and with my blog I hope to explore, challenge, and embrace the mind of a woman like myself.