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Apps Every Collegiate Should Have

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Us collegiates all love a good app to entertain us, procrastinate or to help us out when we’re in a rush. Here are the apps we think all students should download. 


Everyone has Facebook. Connect with your college friends, high school friends, and people from elementary and middle school that you forgot about. Facebook can be fun, but keep it clean because some employers may look at your page.


Can you say it in 140 characters or less? Twitter is one of the most entertaining social apps out there. Follow your friends, school, celebrities, and politicians to see what they’re talking about. 


Pictures and videos, who doesn’t like those? Follow your friends and your favorite celebrities. See where your high school friend went on vacation, or where your classmate is interning this summer. Don’t forget to double tap to like photos. 


Didn’t see that snap? Oh, you gotta be quicker than that! On Snapchat you can take silly pictures and let your friends see them for 10 seconds or less. What could be better than that?


If you’re in class and you want your food to arrive a little after you get home, this is the perfect app. Save all of your information (card number and address) and you’re one click away from being full. 


Order your books on the app for a lower price. It’s that easy.


New to the area? No worries. Use Yelp to help you find restaurants, bars, clubs and even that tattoo parlor for when you’re in the mood for some new ink. The reviews are also helpful.


Sometimes your iTunes playlist is boring or YouTube is just annoying. Pandora plays your favorite music, and you can skip a song you don’t know or like. You can add channels too. Just be wary of the ads, they do get annoying sometimes. 


Sometimes it’s nice to go back in time and see what you were thinking one, two, or even three years ago. Timehop lets you connect to you Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so you can see what you said or what pictures you took. Isn’t that awesome? 

Edited by Toni Moy

(Picture Sources: pcmag.com, weeklyups.com, iconarchive.com, itunes.apple.com, blogs.ft.com, valorebooks.com, play.google.com, 9to5mac.com, mashable.com, play.google.com )

Tabia is a senior at SUNY University at Albany. She is studying Journalism with a minor in History and Africana Studies. She would love a career in Journalism as an Arts and Entertainment Reporter. She wants to go to graduate school in her native New York City or Boston, Massachusetts. In her spare time she likes to dance, sing, watch new shows on Hulu and read Her Campus articles. She is currently the Podium Perspective Director and a Staff Writer for the Albany Student Press and a founding member of Kappa Alpha Pi. Go Danes!
Sophie is a 4th year student at the University of Nottingham, England. She is studying American Studies and would love a career in Journalism or Public Relations (preferably while living in NYC). Sophie has been a Fashion Blogger at HC Nottingham since she started at the University at Nottingham in 2012/13. She was also a Publicity Intern during her second year at HC Nottingham in 2013/14. She was a Campus Correspondent during her year abroad for HC Albany as well as contributing to writing for HC Nottingham. She is currently the Head of Publicity for Her Campus, as well as continuing to write fashion blogs. She is a self proclaimed fashion and make-up addict and she also enjoys travelling, reading, (excessively) watching TV shows and films, music, shopping and of course writing for Her Campus!