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5 Ways to Document Your Year Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Albany chapter.

Studying abroad is one of the best experiences you’ll ever have, and I can guarantee it will all be over before you know it. Soon you will find yourself back at home, reminiscing about that time you went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, or the time that you ate sushi from a market in Japan. Documenting your travels is really easy, and it’s a great way of making the memories last as well as a constant reminder of all the good times you had. Here is a list of some creative ways that you can document your experiences.

Make a scrapbook/notebook

Get creative. Collect various leaflets, postcards, photographs, menus and more from the different places that you visit. Turn it into a scrapbook of souvenirs once you return home. If you’re not feeling too artsy, write down your experiences in a notebook. It’ll be something cool to look back on in a few years time and remind you of the stuff you got up to.

Invest in a good camera

Taking photos is an obvious one, but it really is the best way to document your travels – and you can never have too many photos! It’s useful to have some form of camera for study abroad. From big fancy SLR cameras, to your phone camera (note: modern phone cameras may even have more megapixels than some standard digital cameras), to something a bit different like a Polaroid; take photos wherever you go and no matter what you do.

Social Media

Instagram a photo of the local cuisine or the beach you spent the day on. Send a Snapchat story of all of the sights. Tweet about something new you did, or tell your friends on Facebook when you’ve checked into a new hotel. Keep your friends and family back home updated on your travels with the ease of social media. Plus, it’ll be there for you to look back on too once you return.

Keep souvenirs

Collecting souvenirs from your trips is a fun way to remember all of the locations you’ve been to. Whether it’s something like magnets, mugs, shot glasses, t-shirts or something else entirely, it’s a fun hobby to have and you can show it all off once you go back home.

Start a blog

Keeping up a blog can be a hassle, but it is also a great way to document all of your travelling on your year abroad. Write about everything you’ve seen and all of the things you have learned, and share photos and videos of what you got up to. It’s the perfect opportunity to ramble on about anything you want. Your family and friends will be interested to read about your adventures, plus actually writing the blog posts can be a nice way to unwind after a long day of exploring.

Edited by Toni Moy

(Picture Sources:tumblr, google images, pinterest and buzznet )

Tabby is a 3rd year student at Swansea University in the UK, currently on a year abroad at the University at Albany, New York. She studies English & American Studies, and is the Travel & Study Abroad blogger at Her Campus Albany. She absolutely loves to travel, having already visited a number of cities in the U.S. and Canada since arriving last summer, including Boston, Chicago, Montreal and Washington D.C. Tabby also enjoys music, shopping, eating a lot of food (and instagramming said food) and excessively watching Netflix. She hopes to pursue a career in Journalism once she graduates in 2016, having done some work experience previously at Microsoft MSN and now working for HC. http://instagram.com/tabbyduff 
Sophie is a 4th year student at the University of Nottingham, England. She is studying American Studies and would love a career in Journalism or Public Relations (preferably while living in NYC). Sophie has been a Fashion Blogger at HC Nottingham since she started at the University at Nottingham in 2012/13. She was also a Publicity Intern during her second year at HC Nottingham in 2013/14. She was a Campus Correspondent during her year abroad for HC Albany as well as contributing to writing for HC Nottingham. She is currently the Head of Publicity for Her Campus, as well as continuing to write fashion blogs. She is a self proclaimed fashion and make-up addict and she also enjoys travelling, reading, (excessively) watching TV shows and films, music, shopping and of course writing for Her Campus!