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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

Spring break is a much-needed time to get away from all your normal responsibilities and often go traveling. Some people like to go lay on the beach and relax, while some like to explore new cities and go on excursions. No matter what, everyone wants to maximize their vacation to be the best spring break ever. Here’s what I do on my trips to make the most out of my vacations. 

Be thankful to be on vacation 

There are so many things that could go wrong on vacation, but there are so many things that could be amazing. Always keep a positive mindset, because when you get home you’ll be sad you’re back to reality. It rained the whole day during my trip and there were double red flags on the beach, which means we couldn’t go swimming. However, I didn’t let it ruin our whole trip. We took that opportunity to go shopping and do something fun in a new town. We explored and bought souvenirs, so the day didn’t go to waste. Our attitude never changed even though something happened out of our control. 

Be flexible and go with the flow  

Again, there are many things that may not go as planned. During spring break, everywhere is crowded because so many people are traveling. One night, we went to this restaurant around 7 PM and there was a 3-hour wait. The hostess didn’t even want to write down our names on the list. So, we moved along to the next restaurant and there was another long wait. We tried calling multiple places, and they all had long waits. We ended at a restaurant that was across the street from where we were staying. We had to change plans so many times, but that’s all you can do. The most important thing to remember is to be happy and okay with change. Sometimes the best memories come from moments you didn’t have planned.

Pack and wear cute outfits 

A cute outfit can help boost your confidence and mood so much. Even if it’s for the shopping day, wear a cute little set. I wore a matching camo biker shorts and tank top set and I instantly felt more confident. When going out to dinner, wear a dress or skirt, something that screams “I’m at the beach.” Dress up more than you normally would. It’s always so fun being extra on vacation because it gives you an excuse to go out of your comfort zone. Worst case you don’t like it, chances are you will never see those people again. Also, you could inspire those people to get that outfit or wear something that cute too. Another thing that helps so much is buying new clothes for vacation. It always makes you more excited to go out and have fun. If you wear clothes that you wear all the time, it doesn’t make a vacation feel any different. I packed and wore clothes that were either new or something I haven’t worn in so long. Getting new clothes always gives you the confidence you need to feel good about yourself on vacation. 

Take pictures, but don’t take it too seriously  

Do you even go on a trip if you don’t take pictures? It’s great to capture memories, your cute outfits, food, and vacation views when traveling. I love taking cute pictures and I’m always the one who forces my friends to take them with me. Sometimes I’m awkward and never know how to pose or what to do with my friends. However, I get most of my inspiration from Pinterest by looking up poses to do at the beach. It makes me feel more comfortable taking pictures when I know what I want them to look like. The best advice I can say for taking cute pictures is to just have fun. Sometimes the best pictures are the ones where you aren’t trying to pose perfectly, and you’re laughing and having a good time. Also, just because it doesn’t look exactly like the pictures on Pinterest doesn’t mean it’s not super cute. Don’t let a bad picture or lack of pictures ruin your spring break!  

Overall, there’s no such thing as a “perfect” spring break. However, you can try to get as close to one as you possibly can. Just remember, go with the flow, have a positive mindset, dress cute, be confident, and take cute pictures. Get ready and start preparing for your summer trips with these tips! 

Julia Blackstone is from Dallas, Texas and is a Junior at the University of Alabama. She is studying News Media with a concentration in Sports. In her free time she loves to hangout with friends and watch tv shows and sports events.