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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

Year: Freshman

Major:  Undecided/Undeclared

 Relationship Status:  Single

 Hometown:  Clarksville, TN

 Interests:  Hunting, Sports

 An Interesting Fact:  I like to travel.

 Tuscaloosa Involvement:  Intramural soccer, fraternity 

 What song on your iPod is currently on repeat?  “You Don’t Know How It Feels” by Tom Petty

 If people were to give you a superlative, what would it be?  Most Involved

 What is something people would be surprised to know about you?  I can cook.

 What do you look for in a girl?  Someone who is laid back and easy to talk to.

 What is the most confusing things girls do?  When girls just hint instead of being straightforward.

 Do you have a favorite pick up line?  “Hi, I have big feet.”

 What is your idea of a perfect date?  June 4th, my birthday.

 Would you rather have them make the first move, or would you make it?  I have no preference.

What is your best memory of Alabama/Tuscaloosa and why?  My first day here because I was finally on my own.

If you could only bring 3 things on a deserted island, what would they be?  Why am I on a deserted island?

Tori Linville is a freshmen at the University of Alabama majoring in English with a minor in Creative Writing. She likes to think she thrives under pressure, which is why she's usually running around campus trying to tackle her to-do list. She misses her ill mannered chihuahuas and will croon over your dogs if you bring them to the quad, so watch out.
Jessica Johnson is a senior at The University of Alabama double majoring in English Studies and Communication Studies while minoring in Creative Writing. Avid reader, writer and one-man band, Jessica is always working on a project of some sort. After spending summer 2011 interning with Atlanta's Q100 morning radio show (and waking up at 3:30am to dress for work) she has a new respect for early birds. When not playing with her three rescued mutts, you'll find her at Gallettes sippin' on a Yellow Hammer screaming ROLL TIDE ROLL!!