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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

For the longest time, I never cared to read. I always loved watching movies or TV shows because I could actually see the characters and sets. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would love reading as much as I do today, I would have laughed in your face. I never would’ve thought that I would love to read, but here I am now.

Every day I would see people talk about their favorite books and how much they love reading, so I decided that one of my new year’s resolutions was to become a reader. I’m not going to dive into why reading is good for you because most people already know why, but I am going to tell you what I did to start reading and how you can become a reader too.

The main thing that made me want to start reading was BookTok and finding friends who already love reading. It was so much easier to get into reading when my friends were giving me suggestions of what to was worth it. It did take a while for me to truly want to start reading. I had gotten a book back in the fall, November 9th by Colleen Hoover, and I brought it home for break telling myself I was finally going to read it. I instantly fell in love. Once I finished it, I just had to read more. It’s especially fun to read the same books as your friends, because you can talk
about them together.

One of the most important things to do is find out what genres you like most. It may take some time, but at least for me, it was helpful to look at what movies and TV shows I enjoy, and pick a book that is similar. I love rom-coms, so I started out with reading romance books. I found that I loved them, and they were easy to read. I also enjoy thrillers and mystery movies as well, so I started looking into books within these genres as well. One book that had me hooked from chapter one is Verity by Colleen Hoover. It had a mix of everything I love, and I ended up finishing it in just 24 hours. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find a book that you fall in love with immediately! There is a book for everyone.

Once you start reading, it’s important to continue to make it a habit! Don’t stop after only 1 or 2 books. The best way to do this is to find a comfy reading spot, get incorporate it into your schedule, and plan what books you’re going to read next. It’s good to get form a reading schedule that works for you, so you can avoid dry spells. Dry spells will likely to make you less inclined to pick up another book at a later date. For example, a good schedule could be reading a chapter once you finish your homework or when you come home from work. Once it starts getting warm outside, maybe even take your reading outside and catch some UV rays!

One of the most exciting things about becoming a reader is wandering around the bookstore. It’s fun to see all the books that they have and all the different options there journeys that you can go on with these authors. Sometimes the bookstores even have sections like “as seen on TikTok” or mystery, etc. There are so many different types of bookstores too – corporations, second-hand, and so on. Some of my favorites are Barnes and Noble and 2nd & Charles, which has awesome sales and used books. If you are looking for cheaper options, 2nd & Charles is the way to go. Believe it or not, Target normally has good deals on books and a wide variety to choose from.

Consider joining a book club! Book clubs not only encourage reading, but they also help you better understand the material; you can discuss, for example, what you think might happen in the next book with your colleagues, or you can simply verbalize your thoughts.

Reading has already impacted my life in ways that I never could have guessed. I feel more productive reading, and anytime I finish a book I feel so accomplished. Reading helps me to develop my creativity and improve my writing abilities too. If you are on the fence about becoming a reader, I hope this serves as the push you need to do it. Everyone can become a reader!

Julia Blackstone is from Dallas, Texas and is a Junior at the University of Alabama. She is studying News Media with a concentration in Sports. In her free time she loves to hangout with friends and watch tv shows and sports events.