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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

If you’re anything like me, I feel sad when it’s cold and gets dark super early. Something about the sun just puts me into a good mood. It’s always hard to find something to be positive about when we are in this cold, dark season. You feel like your day ends so much sooner than it actually does. Most of us can agree that during the warmer months we are happier. But there’s no reason why we can’t feel just as happy during the winter as well. Here are a few things that can help you to stay positive during the wintertime to get you through it.  

See your friends and family  

It’s so important to surround yourself with people who will put you into a good mood. Don’t let yourself suffer because you aren’t reaching out to them. These people can brighten your day and put a smile on your face. Even the simplest conversation can change your whole day around. You shouldn’t have to go through this time alone. Also, they could be feeling the same as you and y’all can help each other.  

Get out and move around  

Lying in bed all day seems so nice when it’s cold outside, but don’t do that every day. You need to get moving and leave your house or apartment. Just getting in 30 minutes of exercise is so nice and will change your whole day. Sometimes it’s very cold outside, and it may be a struggle to get out and move, so then go to Target and walk around in the store to get some movement in. No matter what, don’t lay around all day.  

Find your favorite warm drink  

When it’s cold, you need something to warm you up, so find a drink at Starbucks or your favorite coffee shop that will bring you joy and happiness. I personally love drinking hot chocolate during the winter, and sometimes drinking it can be the highlight of my day. Once I drink it, I am ready to do something productive and get along with my day.  

Wake up earlier to enjoy the sunlight  

This is always a struggle for me. I love sleeping in but that means you get to see less sunshine. Try waking up early, so that you can be more productive and happier by getting a dose of Vitamin D. Also, waking up early helps you get more done earlier in the day, like your daily movement and homework.  

Focus on what you can do and not what you can’t  

During the winter, most people are probably wishing and thinking about all the things they can’t do in this cold weather, like laying at the pool or beach or going to a picnic. But instead of that, we need to be focusing on being able to do more right now, like movie nights with your roommates, playing in the snow, and wearing all of our favorite sweatshirts. We are often craving a cozy night in during the busy summer months, so enjoy one now!  

You can get through the winter, and soon enough we’ll be back to having super warm days and sunsets at 8 PM. We already went past the summer solstice and the sunset time is only getting later and later each day. Use these helpful tips to continue pushing through this season and know that we will all get through it. Keep a positive mindset, spring and summer are so close! You can do it!  

Julia Blackstone is from Dallas, Texas and is a Junior at the University of Alabama. She is studying News Media with a concentration in Sports. In her free time she loves to hangout with friends and watch tv shows and sports events.