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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.

If you live in an area that’s being hit by the winter storm and are trying to find ways to be ready before it hits, there are a few essential items you’ll want to have on hand.

  1. Bottled/Gallons of Water

When temperatures drop below freezing, the possibility of your pipes freezing becomes a concern, so having bottled water can relieve the anxiety of worrying about having drinking water. It’s also necessary for cooking, so it doesn’t hurt to have a few gallons on hand just in case. 

  1. Dry Goods

Things like ramen noodles, pasta, and cans of soup are great to have! These items are non-perishable, so if you can’t get your car out to run to the grocery store these can come in handy and make sure that everyone stays full.

  1. Flashlights/Batteries

Flashlights are a good thing to have in the off chance that the power goes out. You won’t want to waste your phone battery by using the flashlight in case you are trying to get a hold of someone or need help, so having a flashlight is really helpful. Don’t forget the batteries too!

  1. Blankets

This one is kind of a given, but blankets are essential. If the power goes out and you have no heat, blankets will help to keep you warm and dry which is so important when it’s cold. If you still have your heat, they keep you cozy and comfortable when you see the mountain of snow outside. 

  1. Fill your Gas Tank

If you have to go out when the storm is passing through, make sure you have a full tank of gas. This will assure you that if you get stuck you’ll have enough gas to wait until you can get help if you need it so you can stay warm and make it back home without having to stop to find the nearest gas station and risk getting stuck again. 

While these are just a few tips, hopefully having these items on hand will make you feel more prepared for the storm and can come in handy. Stay safe out there!

My name is Emilee and I'm a junior Environmental Science major. I love learning about nature and geology.