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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.

Have you heard of the new way to get your everyday snacks and living essentials? It’s no longer at your local corner store; it’s called a Bodega! I personally find them pretty nifty. Here’s how it works, you download the Bodega app, find the closest one near you (or request to get one at your office, apartment complex etc.), and then open the glass doors and take what you need. It’s as simple as that. There’s camera’s inside of the doors that will see what you take and automatically charge the credit card you signed up with. You can even see your receipts from the different Bodegas you use in the app.

Not everyone likes these new “vending machines,” however, for a couple reasons. One being that by placing these Bodegas in certain areas of cities, it takes away business from local corner stores who are run by immigrant families. In other words, these machines are taking away their livelihoods and a chance at the American Dream. Another problem people have with them is that the word “Bodega” actually refers to a small grocery store in a Spanish-speaking country. This is offensive to actual shop owners of this heritage since they believe their stores are somewhere people can go to converse with others and be greeted by the real owners. To top it off, the company used a cat as it’s logo because cats are found in real Bodegas. These reasons are fueling public backlash and prompting many people to Tweet negative things about the company and its two owners, Paul McDonald and Ashwath Rajan.

I wouldn’t necessarily bash anyone for using a Bodega, in my opinion, because they seem pretty convenient and somewhat safer than corner stores, depending on the area they’re located in. I understand it’s taking business away from immigrants who set up shop here, but these days there’s already many factors that go against little shops and convenience stores. There are some people who prefer to go to a big grocery store and buy their food and toiletries in bulk so they never have to visit little stores, and some who will still go to the bigger stores just for a few things. Also, some Bodegas contain mainly snacks just like any other vending machine, so what’s new? I’m sure this company is going to keep growing as time passes. Be on the lookout for a Bodega at your local college campus, office or workplace!

Freshman at The University of Akron. Majoring in Early Childhood Education. Lover of music, clothes and dogs.
Abbey is an Ohio native currently caught between the charm of the Midwest and the lure of the big city. She loves all things politics and pop culture, and is always ready to discuss the intersections of both. Her favorite season is awards season and she is a tireless advocate of the Oxford Comma. Abbey will take a cup of lemon tea over coffee any day and believes that she can convince you to do the same. As a former English major, she holds the power of words near and dear.