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4 Memorable Valentine’s Gifts for Date Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.

We all love Valentine’s Day because of the huge teddy bears and the boxes of chocolates. However, a lot of these cheesy gifts just go to waste, because who really needs a teddy bear when you have your Valentine, and no one is going to eat those weird chocolates with orange inside (Caramel and hazelnut for the win!). So you don’t waste money on the stereotypical, I’ve come up with more sentimental gift ideas.

Make Portraits

There’s many different ways to go about this one. You can go out to the store together and gather supplies if you don’t have them already. Get set up so you can both make your portrait of each other, but so the other can’t see. Then, have a contest and see who gets done first! Or you could time it, and see who does better. The rules are in your hands.

Have an Un-Date Night

Valentine’s is the huge day where everyone gets all dressed up to go out and eat a fancy dinner. It can be a good time, but if you’re just in the mood to relax and spend time with one another, this is perfect! You can put your pajamas on, build a fort, and watch movies! This may be a usual occurrence for some, but it’s easy to make it special! You could get matching pj’s and put roses and fairy lights in your fort! (No candles, we don’t want to burn anything down.) I know this one is a little more cliché, but I think this would be perfect after a long week.


Make Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are really coming back ever since this summer’s VSCO girl trend happened. But honestly, it’s super fun! Get your supplies, watch a how-to, and you’re set! Pinterest has a bunch of different patterns from really easy, to really complicated. My roommate and I did this once and we made the same bracelet, but still swapped and it was so much fun!

Homemade Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Everyone loves chocolate covered strawberries, right? I hope so, because they’re amazing. They’re also one of Malley’s biggest sellers around this time of the year. But instead of spending a bunch on a dozen strawberries, spend a little less and make a whole bunch more! Make sure you don’t burn your chocolate by using a double boiler system, and let your chocolatier side show.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t need to be stressed over and expensive. It’s just a Hallmark holiday. Show the ones you love, that you care in different ways, rather than worrying about a gift or money. They’ll appreciate it no matter what. Happy Valentine’s Day!

I am a senior Environmental Science and Anthropology double-major at The University of Akron. I love science, Starbucks, writing, and hanging out with my friends and my dogs. I also love music and am apart of The University of Akron’s marching band.