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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.

Have you ever had a professor allow a cheat sheet for a test? If you’ve received this privilege before, you know it has its pros and cons. You get excited that you can have formulas and key points right in front of you for the test, but there’s so much you have to simplify before composing your cheat sheet. At a community college in Maryland, one student outsmarted all of us. Elijah Bowen carefully read his instructor’s rules of bringing a 3×5 notecard. Since the professor didn’t specify inches, you guessed it… in a moment of pure genius, Elijah constructed an enormous 3×5 foot poster board filled with notes.

I for one would have been too scared that the professor would forbid my excessive notes, even though they didn’t specify. 

You will be happy to hear that the professor released a statement stating that Elijah “did quite well.” Above is a picture of him taking the test in class to prove he really did use the giant “notecard.” I guess being a smart-aleck pays off every once in awhile!

Freshman at The University of Akron. Majoring in Early Childhood Education. Lover of music, clothes and dogs.