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3 Apps You Will More Than Likely Use During College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.
  1. Groupme 

Groupme is useful for clubs and organizations to get a hold of all of their members.  It is said that you can add up to 200 members in each group which should give you the ability to add every member to your club into the groupchat.  If the owner would like to add more members they would have to contact support@GroupMe.com to be able to do so.  

  1. Teams 

During the pandemic I remember having most of my classes through teams and was still used once classes were back to in person just in case the teacher or their student was sick. With that, it still gave people the chance to attend classes remotely. Teams is also used at certain workplaces and they can be used for meetings and job interviews.  

A few useful features I remember seeing on teams were sharing your screen, using the raise your hand button when you have a comment or question and being able to record the class and sending it to a student who didn’t get all of the notes written down.  

  1. Canva 

If you have an art related major, then this app is definitely something you will need but any major could use canva especially if they want to create their own business cards, make flyers for events, make cute aesthetic social media story posts, etc.  

There are so many options of art templates and art stickers to choose from and a lot of it is given to users for free.  

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Chey C

Akron '24

Chey is in her junior year at Akron studying History along with having a minor in English. Activities she enjoys doing is traveling, shopping and hanging out with friends.