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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

During my last year of high school I worked two jobs and in the summer afterward, I worked three. Now, nearly two months into college, I am working two jobs. My weeks are full of long, late-night study sessions and many talks with my professors and counselors. At first, I struggled with balancing school, work and my personal life, my personal life took a toll. This resulted in many sleepless nights and a lack of interest in the classroom and at work. It took me a while, but eventually, I got the hang of it. This is how.


As much as I hate to admit it, I am human. I need food. I crave food. Many times over I’ve simply forgotten to eat as I was so occupied with coursework and my job. This left me exhausted at night and unable to stay up to complete most of my work.

Once I noticed the toll it was taking on my grades, I came to terms and made the necessary changes to improve this glitch in my system. What were the glitches I had to fix? Well, I spoke up.


Me, I am very independent. Talk about feelings? No. Admit to my struggle? Come again, say what? I know a lot of you can relate to this. That is why it is the most important in this list. I used to move mountains in order to never require the help of other. I didn’t ask my counselors, my professors or even my family for help. I only asked for help as a last resort.

The first person I spoke with was my manager at work. I asked for more days off during the week, explaining that I needed more personal time during the week better take care of myself. I thank the Snickers that my manager is a really cool, understanding person. She understood my struggle and adjusted my schedule.

Next, I spoke to my professors. I painstakingly asked for an extension on the assignments I missed and expressed my regret for missing the assignments. My teachers were also receptive and to this day check on me to make sure I am handling everything well.  

Photo by Wadi Lissa on Unsplash


After opening up my schedule more and stitching up my flaws, I stepped back and took a deep breath. I realized this was my chance to get the most out of my college experience.  What would I do with this extra time? Would I be wise and plan out study times, or would I just waste it intriguing seasons of anime and Grey’s Anatomy? What to do? What to do?

I jumped back into this existence which is my life and planned times for studying and relaxing. I needed time to get things done and if I did not want to burn myself out I would need time to just sit and do nothing…or watch anime and Grey’s Anatomy. I would study after work and on my off days and in between classes, I would eat and do something that would alleviate my stress.

Doing these three things made me feel alive again. I enjoyed my classes and my life was well-balanced. If you struggle to find balance within your life, I hope this provides you with some comfort. If not just know there are people in your life that want to see you do well. Confide in them, or just one so you won’t have to carry the whole load by yourself. The walk is long without a guide.



Laci is a Sophomore at Agnes Scott College in pursuit of a degree in Creative Writing and Music. She seeks to build upon her inquisitively, beautiful mind, while inspiring people throughout all aspects of life. In her spare time, she loves to speak with God, eat Snicker's and think about the zombie apocalypse. She is a forever learner.