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Spring Cleaning: You, not Your House

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Thursday March 20th was the Spring Equinox that marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. Spring is a time of rebirth, or reawakening, of new beginnings. The animals are coming out of winter hibernation, seeds are sprouting, and flowers are blossoming! The world is waking up and getting ready for summer. It is the perfect time for you to begin getting for summer as well. Most of these “get ready for summer” articles are about working towards bikini bodies, tanning, or bleaching your hair. I would like to pose a different approach. Typically, people make resolutions on New Years. For me, it is very difficult to make a resolution in the depths of winter and still feel inspired to keep it as the year progresses. Springtime, however, sparks an excited, youthful energy in me and perhaps it does in you as well. I encourage you to find this newly awakened springtime energy and let it inspire you to cleanse you mind, body, and soul in preparation for a fun-filled summer.


Personally, I am a ridiculously organized person. Peace of mind comes with knowing what I am going to be doing and when. Make a summer schedule, or at least sketch out some ideas. When will you be going to the beach with your family? When is the hike in Yosemite happening? How are you going to make time to do you internship AND work AND get a nice tan?


This is where the dieting and exercise generally comes in. Instead of looking at these topics as something you should do in preparation for summer simply so you can feel comfortable in a bikini, let us consider the basic health measures. Your body will thank you, I promise. Focus on eating a clean diet consisting of raw and unprocessed foods, just as nature intended. Keep exercising to whatever extent you feel helps your body be the best that it can be. This might mean daily Crossfit workouts, four-times-a-week pilates, or occasional yoga. In the words of a wise friend, “you do you” and it will all work out.


I mean this in a more spiritual, connecting to your inner-self kind of way. Spend a few minutes whenever you get the chance just being yourself, thinking about how you approach the world, and how you would like to approach the world. Cleanse your soul with some fresh air and a hot cup of tea. Cool, crisp mornings will do the job. Find your place of serenity, calm, and peacefulness.

Instead of being obsessed with our bikini bodies as we approach summer this year, let us prepare ourselves to be the best people we can be; let us cleanse our mind, body, and soul. Let us believe in ourselves. Let us take the energy given to us by the vernal equinox and bestow it upon the world. On the vernal equinox, the night and day were of approximately the same duration. This means that the light and darkness were equal. I encourage you to be inspired by this balance in nature and find a balance within yourself.