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Meet Elizabeth Rowe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Name: Elizabeth Rowe

Major: International Relations

Minor: Environmental Science Year:

Class: Junior, 2015

Hometown: Savannah, GA


What made you choose Agnes?

I had never considered a women’s college until after I was accepted and I toured campus. I had moved my senior year of high school and did not feel comfortable with my own voice at my new school. When I visited campus, President Kiss spoke about her commitment to create an atmosphere where women could discover their voice and could launch out to fulfill their dreams of saving the world. I couldn’t get enough and immediately knew Agnes was the place for me!

What are you involved in on campus?

I am probably involved with too many things on campus, but my main passion is sustainability. I have been involved with our Office of Sustainability since my first year. I have worked on various projects, but probably one of my favorites is to organize service projects to local farms and gardens. I also love, love being a tour guide! My weekly tour is nine times out of ten the best part of my week!

How do you manage everything you do?

I am able to manage all of my commitments, by loving everything I do. If I am passionate about something, I don’t dread doing it, which makes all the difference when your to do list is a mile-long. Another big thing is learning to say no to commitments I don’t have time for. And this is a hard one, but really important. I always make sure I have enough time to commit to the things I am really passionate about and anything else is extra.

What is your view on an all woman’s college??

Women’s colleges are definitely not for everyone and that’s totally fine. For me, it was the perfect place because I am continually inspired by my classmates thoughts and ambitions. I also thrive on the sense of community present on campus. Of course I think it is also important to remember this is not the ‘real’ world. I learned this lesson the hard way this summer interning in DC where I was outside of my comfort zone. College age students are brilliant even if they don’t go to Agnes Scott and I think it is important for us all to find our voice within that crowd, not just our voice at Agnes.

What are you looking forward to in the future? (I know you have some awesome study abroad plans coming up!)

This spring I will be studying abroad in Lausanne, Switzerland, which couldn’t be more perfect place for me. The school combines all of my academic interests – French, environmental science, and international relations. I also am super excited about the chance to travel around Europe, without having as many activities to manage.

What do you like to do off campus?

One of my favorite things to do off campus is to try new restaurants and coffee shops. Atlanta has so many quaint neighborhoods and I love finding a new teashop to try.

Favorite Decatur-Atlanta spots for: restaurant, studying, entertainment, and relaxing?

Favorite restaurant: Murphy’s in Virginia Highlands – they have a delicious grilled cheese.

Studying/relaxing: anywhere I can enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or early grey tea

Entertainment: College Night at the High is probably one of my favorite Atlanta events

If you could do anything in the world, without any restrictions holding you back, what would it be?

If I could do anything, I would want to develop water management systems in developing countries. This is my “career goal” as you would say. Having the ability to work abroad and while also living in the US would be my dream scenario. I also would love to work towards a PhD, which is super daunting especially when a 15 page research paper seems overwhelming. I am a student at heart and am not quite ready to think about being done with school.

Any words of wisdom?

My piece of advice for anyone at Agnes is to find the issue you are passionate about, whatever if may be, and to take off with it. Agnes gives you the confidence to change the world and it would be a shame to waste such an opportunity. For me, I am passionate about sustainability and nearly everything I do on campus revolves around that. It also has opened some amazing doors and has even diversified my classroom experience. But find your issue and run with it! 

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Grace Spurgin

Agnes Scott

Grace Spurgin is a freshman at Agnes Scott College in the great Decatur-Atlanta area, but born and raised in sunny Tampa, Florida. She is double majoring in International Relations and Political Science in hopes of one day studying International law. She is an active member in Colonnade Club, which deals with alumnae events and relations, and Programming Board for all school event planning. She is the founder of the Agnes Scott chapter for Her Campus. She loves to travel and try any new things; for example, she is a certified deep sea diver!