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Mastering the Art of Internships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Congratulations, you landed an internship! In these tough economic times, interning is a great way to get hands-on work experience in any field, whether you are being paid or not. Remember, that good things take time and you have to lay the “ground work” before you end up exactly where you think you may want to go. Being a team player and not being afraid to get your hands dirty are not only ways to build your resumé but your character and work ethic. Here are a few pointers on how to master the art of an internship!

1. Do not be afraid to do things you feel are tedious and unimportant.

You won’t start off doing all the fancy, hot shot things you dreamed of. However, taking the time to do the little things and do them well will show your commitment to working hard and taking all the learning opportunities you can get.

2. Conduct yourself in a mature and professional manner.

In any business or job, you will meet lots of people and encounter many different opportunities. The way in which you carry yourself says a lot about who you are as a person and what you are capable. If you act and present yourself as a professional person, you will be more likely to be taken seriously!

3. Make sure you do your work and do it well.

The work you accomplish gives insight into many factors employers look for. Are you timely? Are you neat and organized? Are you well-prepared? Do you take initiative and go above and beyond? Those are the things they look for, not an assignment that is sloppily completed in the last possible minute. 

4. Be helpful!

This is an amazing opportunity for you to gain learning experience on an array of interests and possibilities. Make the most of it. In the real world, your time is valuable!

5. Don’t be scared or disheartened if you make a mistake or fail. (You are human, this will happen.)

Yes, it may be a tad embarrassing but if you show maturity in accepting responsibility and grow from your mistakes, you will gain mutual respect with peers and employers versus being known as “that intern from that one time”. 

Good luck and you can do this, Her Campus users!!



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Grace Spurgin

Agnes Scott

Grace Spurgin is a freshman at Agnes Scott College in the great Decatur-Atlanta area, but born and raised in sunny Tampa, Florida. She is double majoring in International Relations and Political Science in hopes of one day studying International law. She is an active member in Colonnade Club, which deals with alumnae events and relations, and Programming Board for all school event planning. She is the founder of the Agnes Scott chapter for Her Campus. She loves to travel and try any new things; for example, she is a certified deep sea diver!