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The “Finals” Countdown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.


Please excuse me for saying the F word…..


The thought makes you cringe, hyperventilate, and start to sweat simultaneously. 

Are the walls closing in?

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Can I just move into the library already?

Allow me to summarize and downplay finals week to make you feel a tad better about the ever-looming finals and release of semester grades. If all else fails, at least you saw some pretty GIFs and your tears of sadness became tears from laughter, briefly.

You realize that finals are less than a week away.

You then begin to look at your final review, which could easily be confused as a long list of things you do not know but probably should.

 You decide to hunker down this weekend and study, but there’s always that one friend asking you to go out. You, being the stellar student you are, kindly decline. 


Or maybe you can give yourself a little study break…

Now it’s Sunday and you are cursing yourself for saving all your work and studies for today. 


You may start to get less cordial in your interactions with people as they approach you in the library asking to form study groups and share study guides. 

Cheer up and go to those study groups so you can all suffer together. 

You finally start to study and see you know more than you thought. There is hope!

The dreaded day approaches. You play it cool because you know you have this in the bag. 


You realize how smart you really are and feel confident you aced EVERY SINGLE ONE. 

Pat yourself on the back. Finals week is over. Now you can have a “LEGEN…. Wait for it…. DARY.. Legendary” self Christmas break! 

Now log off Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and start studying!

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Grace Spurgin

Agnes Scott

Grace Spurgin is a freshman at Agnes Scott College in the great Decatur-Atlanta area, but born and raised in sunny Tampa, Florida. She is double majoring in International Relations and Political Science in hopes of one day studying International law. She is an active member in Colonnade Club, which deals with alumnae events and relations, and Programming Board for all school event planning. She is the founder of the Agnes Scott chapter for Her Campus. She loves to travel and try any new things; for example, she is a certified deep sea diver!