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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Dear Donald Trump,   

 I went to sleep late on Tuesday night, when I last checked, you were in the lead with 264 electoral college votes. I slept knowing that you were going to be the new face of America, but I didn’t want to believe it. “The sun will rise in the morning,” I thought. I woke up in the morning to see that you were officially announced as the President-Elect, I was scared. I still am scared. 

    Let me explain my fear to you. I’m a person of color, a woman, and a Muslim. I was born in the same state as you, New York, but people will automatically profile me as an immigrant, a terrorist, a woman who does not have the same rights as my counterparts and cannot police my body. Instead, you can. As Wednesday went on, all I could think of was my family and friends. My mother who wears a scarf to cover her hair to symbolize her loyalty to her creator. On social media I saw young women, who wear the hijab, telling their stories of how their scarves were being pulled by men. I don’t want that for my mother. I don’t want that for anyone. Violence is never the answer. I fear for the safety of my friends who are members of different minority groups, some within the LGBTQ+ and/or Black community. Your supporters believe they should not have certain human rights, but why? They’re human just like you and I. Once you start creating “the other” (those people that are different than “your own people”) mentality, that’s where the unnecessary divide occurs. 

    Ever since the results have been announced, there have been protests nationwide because the community does not feel safe with your rhetoric. It hadn’t even been 24 hours since you were elected before people were protesting in the streets. Everyday I see something new about your supporters saying racist phrases. So Mr. Trump, tell me, how do you feel about antagonizing the diverse community of the United States of America? They say America is a melting pot, but I see America as a melting pot that will not accept anything different than the White American. As you take on office in January of 2017, I ask that you do your best to make a peaceful transition of power. I ask that you make America a safe zone, because I know my campus is a safe zone. I ask that you not make America great again, because in fact, it was never great. I ask you make America safe for the future of minorities, for the future of the LGBTQ+ community, and most of all, make it safe for those people who are unable to exercise their human rights because of the restrictions placed on them by you. If you want to be my President, I ask you make me feel safe again like my President Barack Hussein Obama did.

Sincerely,  Syedha Noreenia


Elizabeth Wolfe

Agnes Scott '18

Elizabeth is the Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Agnes Scott. As a Junior at Agnes Scott, she is majoring in English-Literature and Political Science with a focus on human rights. Currently, she is an intern for Atlanta's premier alt-weekly magazine Creative Loafing.