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Be Mine on Valentine’s Day: Getting Someone to be your Valentine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.


Be Mine on Valentine’s Day: Getting Someone to be your Valentine
Authored by: Dwinisha Brunson 
Let’s be honest, we all know that being a lonely soul on the “Day of Love” hurts. No one likes to see the cuddled up and googly-eyed couples infatuated with each other if we can’t share a common experience.
How many of those people are actually in love? Not to be pessimistic, but it is usually the spirit of Valentine’s Day that makes these kinds of couples and people giggly and open-hearted. Why can’t you
gather enough courage to confront that girl or guy who has been on your mind all semester?
Here’s how to get out there this holiday in four simple steps:
1. However you dress, make it your best.
If you are trying to proclaim something, like a new job or in this case, a person, you must look top notch. Go into your closet. Take everything out if you must. Look for your best attire, and if you can’t
find anything you can always look online for great outfit ideas. Try wearing something your Valentine crush hasn’t seen you in before. Simply put, make your ensemble impressive.
2. Get Prepared.
It’s going to take guts to talk to your crush, but you’re all the motivation you need. Grab a friend and try rehearsing a cute but not too corny way to approach your crush.  I find that the simplest and most
traditional approach is the way to go. Practice being calm and saying, “I think you are a great (use any adjective of your choice) person and it  would make me very happy (any other word) if you would
be my Valentine this year.” I know it sounds cliché, but it is Valentine’s Day. 
3. Grab a small gift.
It always makes people happy when you surprise them with a genuine gift, even if it is small. Try grabbing a cute box of candy or a Hallmark card. If you want to make it even more genuine, try doing a
homemade gift like a card or a bracelet. This little gift will give you an upper hand and make your valentine feel special. 
4. Go for it!
Stop thinking so much and just go ask them. Take a deep breath before you speak and be 100% positive you are ready to accept possible rejection. You can ask them to 
meet you in a private setting if  making a big scene isn’t for you. Don’t be afraid because being comfortable  and calm will help make the situation’s outcome more of a
positive one. Even if they say no, you still tried instead of automatically making plans with your Netflix and Ben & Jerry’s! 
Good luck!
A few things to keep in mind:
1. You don’t want to go after stolen goods so make sure your crush isn’t already pursued. 
2. If a no is your answer, just keep your head up.  Someone else may recognize your generosity and want you to be their valentine. There will be plenty of other
opportunities to find a valentine. You have great friends, nothing wrong with finding comfort in asking them to be your valentine. They will more than likely say yes!
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Grace Spurgin

Agnes Scott

Grace Spurgin is a freshman at Agnes Scott College in the great Decatur-Atlanta area, but born and raised in sunny Tampa, Florida. She is double majoring in International Relations and Political Science in hopes of one day studying International law. She is an active member in Colonnade Club, which deals with alumnae events and relations, and Programming Board for all school event planning. She is the founder of the Agnes Scott chapter for Her Campus. She loves to travel and try any new things; for example, she is a certified deep sea diver!