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12 Ways to Keep the Vacation Vibes Going as the Work Starts Coming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Once again, another summer has come and gone, taking with it the last glimpse of a day spent without checking a planner and the feeling of freedom that comes only from knowing there’s nothing you’ve forgotten to do. Still, the resurrection of a schedule doesn’t’t have to mean losing that easy-breezy vacation attitude. Here are twelve ways to keep the good times rolling.


1.   Try a local coffee shop or restaurant you’ve never been to! We tend not to go to chains on vacation, since you can eat at McDonald’s anywhere. As a result, the reverse is true, as we take local businesses for granted. It may be a little more pricey, but worth supporting your neighbors every once in a while.  




2.    After you’re done drinking your artisanal coffee,check out an extremely cheesy and basic seeming tourist attraction. Don’t go your whole life without having been to that one museum/sculpture/park etc. because it seemed like a hassle. Be unabashedly enthusiastic and dorky.




3.   Don’t get too rigid with your scheduling. Obviously, you should still show up to class and other obligations, by try not to get too hung up on exact timing for things that don’t matter. (Use your best judgement for things that don’t matter.) (This point will generally work better with some things than others.)




4.   When you see something interesting, don’t be afraid to stop driving! Investigate that sign advertising wigs and gifts, or take a picture of the number for the restaurant you’ve been meaning to try. If there’s no time crunch, why not satisfy your curiosity?




5.   Actually do the things you say you want to do! There’s no time like the present to use that number and make dinner reservations, or to make plans to go to the farmer’s market or have a movie night. Take control of your life and make it happen!




6.   Admittedly, not all of the things on this list are inexpensive. Set aside a little money each week, so that you can treat yourself to a vacation-like splurge. Little spontaneous treats here and there can go a long way towards brightening a never-ending semester.




7.   Set aside time specifically for watching Netflix/leisure activities. You’ll enjoy it more without the nagging sensation that you’re supposed to be doing something else, and you’ll get more work done as well.



8.   Make one of those leisure activities finishing that “summer beach read”. You may be reading some dry material for class, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take a break with a fluffy novel.




9.   Wear outlandish clothing that you’d normally only wear in a town where no one knows you. Try out new styles or wear old t-shirts at the bottom of the drawer. Challenge yourself to wear the same three tops and bottoms for a week, (or whatever fits in a suitcase) and see how innovative you can get.



10.Take a mini weekend road trip! Even just taking the day and driving an hour to a place you don’t recognize can be a fun bonding experience and serve to break up your routine.





11. Put up pictures of people, places, and things that make you happy. This will help to tide you over until the return of real vacation, and get you in the right state of mind.




12. Lastly, vacation vibes are all about the state of mind. Who’s to say that college isn’t ultimately the greatest four-year vacation of all? Maintain an open mind and the attitude of an explorer, and you’ll be sure to have to most stress-free year yet!




Claire Romine

Agnes Scott '21

Claire Romine was born and raised in West Palm Beach, FL. She currently attends Agnes Scott College, as an English Literature and Political Science double major. Interests include yelling about Taylor Swift and reading terrible young adult novels.