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10 Commandments to Beat the Mid-Semester Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Winter break is close enough that you can already taste the peppermint hot cocoa. There is only one obstacle between you and White Christmas: the rest of first semester. Don’t worry though, with these tips and your Scottie spirit, you will breeze through these next few weeks.


1.     Go to your classes. All of them.

  • Going to class and partaking in discussions and activities is a great way to boost your class participation. Being present also means less time teaching yourself concepts, reading, and searching campus for missed notes. Is that extra hour of sleep really worth it?

2.     Go to tutoring sessions and study groups.

  • Everyone is facing a similar battle: finalizing grades, taking exams, exhaustion, the works. These groups are like support groups for everyone to come together and help each other study and work till the end of the semester.  You can divide up tasks and possibly accomplish more than you would on your own! Plus, you might even learn something.

3.     Get ahead.

  • We all say we will, but do we really get ahead? We should because this is a great way to avoid stress of last minute assignments and deadlines that can detract from your present studies. So like Nike says, “Just do it.”

4.     Sticky notes and reminders are your friends.

  •  Just like a server who forgets your refill of Diet Coke or that you wanted dressing on the side, sometimes things come up and we forget. Not everyone has a mind like a steel trap. Use calendars, sticky notes, and reminders on your phones, computers, or planners to stay on top of all you have going on.

5.     Take a time out to do something you enjoy.

  • Yes you are in college to learn and do well, but you also need to be happy and having fun. It does not matter what you do like taking a break to watch a new episode, grabbing Starbucks with friends, or going for a run. Give yourself a break to de-stress and rejuvenate.

6.     Remember that distant memory known as sleep.

  • Sorry, but you are not a Cullen. Therefore, you need sleep. It helps your body revitalize itself and you will be more productive and successful if you are well rested!

7.     Stay healthy.

  •  While soda and candy will give you a sugar rush in the beginning of a study session, ultimately you will crash and not feel your best. This means you will not be working your best. Take care of yourself so you are well enough to push through the rest of the semester, especially flu season!

8.     Break tasks up!

  •  It is much easier to accomplish many tiny things than huge tasks at once. Make a to-do list of little assignments and highlight as you accomplish things. This could very possibly be the best feeling in the world.

9.     Do not pull all nighters (you know who you are).

  • Sometimes you need to because this is college. Try to avoid making this a habit though because it will only exhaust you and detract from your health and productivity.

10.  Remember why you started.

  • You have goals for yourself, like to get straight A’s or to get into a certain graduate school or internship. Remember these goals when you want to skip a reading or a class. You started for a reason and are more than capable to reach them! Any progress is good progress.


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Grace Spurgin

Agnes Scott

Grace Spurgin is a freshman at Agnes Scott College in the great Decatur-Atlanta area, but born and raised in sunny Tampa, Florida. She is double majoring in International Relations and Political Science in hopes of one day studying International law. She is an active member in Colonnade Club, which deals with alumnae events and relations, and Programming Board for all school event planning. She is the founder of the Agnes Scott chapter for Her Campus. She loves to travel and try any new things; for example, she is a certified deep sea diver!