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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.
What would happen if our country elected Donald Trump to the presidency? One can only imagine the enormous effect it would have on the world’s view of our country. I speak from the point of view of someone who was happily anticipating what a successful businessman who wasn’t a politician would do when he entered the race. I believed that he would have a view that would go along with the average citizen. Since he has flip-flopped between the two parties in the past I was expecting some degree of moderateness. I was hopeful that he could turn our economic system around and get us back on our feet.

While this mentality and all of his other Trumpisms might be great for running big businesses, they’re proving to be detrimental to his presidential campaign. His politically incorrect statements, which were refreshing at first when compared to the cookie cutter answers that politicians always have at the ready, have now reached a tiresome and simply rude level. He has degraded women on numerous occasions, which is surprising considering how much trust he places in his daughter Ivanka in regard to the Trump Company. He has offended nearly every minority group in the nation – who can predict what he will say to other nations? Who will he offend so badly that they’ll turn against us?

The president is a symbol of our country – an example of how the world views us, and we should take that into consideration when we vote. Do we want Trump to be our representative? Do we want a person who speaks against the fundamental values that the United States of America has had for the past 238 years? Even before we declared our independence, we were a safe haven for those seeking freedom. How can we consciously elect someone as president who talks about denying these values that have been around longer than we can remember?

How can we profess to be the land of the free if our president wants to deport citizens because of their religion? That is persecution and religious persecution is the reason that so many people fled to the New World in the first place. Our founders would be turning in their graves if we turned our backs on the aspect that has made the United States what it is.

Voters in favor Trump forget is that we all come from another country. There are very few who can trace their entire ancestry to the Native Americans. Everyone else is from another country. None of us are native. Are we to punish others now simply because they have made the journey here for a better life later in history than us?

We stand for diversity. We are the world’s melting pot. We may not have a problem right now because we are not the minority that is being attacked. but what happens when all the others are gone and only you are left. Who will stand up for you?

It is not just Trump who has made statements like this; his statements are just the most publicized and in our faces. There are other republican candidates who have jumped on board with Trump. He is no longer alone and the fact that the other candidates have swayed so much shows a personality flaw of someone who we would want as president.

I am currently studying at Adelphi University. I am an International Studies major and a senior. My passions are traveling, languages, reading and wine, so drink up while you're reading my articles (21 and over of course).